Time to post my own views on the game after finishing it last night. Took me 4 hours start to finish, solving all puzzles myself and generally clicking on everything possible.
I felt that jumping directly from Vella’s house to the Maiden’s Feast itself was glaring omission. This made the entire “Part I” of Vella’s story consist of a whopping three screens. The start with the tree & view, the house, the feast. Puzzle count 0, 1, 2 for those screens respectively. That’s it. Three screens and three puzzles, none of them hard, onwards to the cloud colony within 12 minutes of starting the game.
I guess we might still return to Sugar Bunting in Act II (at least we have to find out whether Mog Chothra actually eats the place or not), so maybe the explore-my-hometown part gets postponed to last, but if those art assets are there for that anyway, why not use them to flesh out the first part a bit more? It all just went by too fast.
Shay’s act made a better impression, having the first and easiest puzzle in the game required for breaking out of your routine was the right way to approach the design, and the whole spaceship opens up very naturally as you progress through the act. Marek was great, his tone of voice and appearance alone sold him as a possibly nebulous character, but not so much as to convince me that he’s actually a bad guy. Basically, the fine line between tension and trust was done perfectly with Marek. I wish I’d seen more of the “Dad” computer, maybe playing the Mom and Dad computers off one another a little bit. This is only hinted at in a little bit of the dialogue, where it could have been an entire story point including a couple of puzzles. Hope this happens in Act II.
Anyway, I’ll abstain from being too judgmental about the game until I’ve played the whole thing. I definitely see how Act II would be able to “knock it up a notch” over Act I. But I’m definitely left with the impression that Act II needs to do just that, or the whole experience would fall just a little too flat due to what I perceive as content cutting and streamlining.
I’d still say that this very much is shaping up to be a game that leaves a lasting impression on me though, like those great games of yore. Maybe that’s what “old-school adventure” is really all about?
Aningan: The "sad" thing is I'm happy I pledged to this, no matter if it gets better or not. I mean, this kickstarter made possible many other kickstarters. It had a snowball effect and I'm happy I was part of that.
That's such an important point to make I'm disappointed more people aren't making it. Sure, you're entitled to, say, liking the new Broken Sword more than Broken Age, but don't forget that the new Broken Sword highly likely wouldn't have become a reality without the DF Kickstarter to start this whole thing off.