ww_gog: Question though, you said its like King's Bounty. Have you played Heroes of MM, Age of Wonders or Eador? If so, is it still most comparable to KB? Not asking like its a bad thing as I really enjoyed all games in this category and they all bring something different. Am only curious why it reminded you most of KB than any others, if you played them. Thanks!
Yeah, I've played all of those, and it's definitely King's Bounty. It just plays precisely like that, with more focus on your party (which is, in extension, a lot more static in composition and a lot more dynamic in development) and with a bunch of features added on top of it.
Psyringe: Thanks! I already had this game on my "might be worth a look" list, but had it on low priority, since the advertising and descriptions didn't even tell me which kind of game it was.
I know, they seem to have done a fairly poor job of that :-/
Crosmando: Do Hunters get any better if you upgrade their equipment or something? I only have 1 but all she does is seem to miss or deal small damage.
Let's just say that after the first promotion, your hunters get the ability to shoot twice every 2 turns. With reduced accuracy, but that's not an issue if you get closer to your enemy and then run away.