Elmofongo: Can I ask is this:
Would publishers still do this DRM bullshit even if Piracy was not that big or no piracy at all?
Especially when PC gaming used to be very DRM free aside from CD Keys
I don't know.
I think DRM is a genuine combination of them wanting to stop small time piracy (not Torrenz, they can't stop that short of controlling the internet, rather, they want to prevent you from passing a copy along to your friend) and them wanting to be able to re-sell you a copy (or to your descendant) to make an easy buck at your expense.
I'd like to think that the smalltime piracy part is BS, but looking at how the people around me are, I'd say that probably 80%+ of people would engage in smalltime piracy if they could: Your buddy asks you for a copy of that DRM-free game you just got, I think most people would give it, because their friend is right there while the developpers/publishers are a more distant abstract entity to them. That's the human condition for you in a nutshell and that's why social engineering works and why many other things in our society are screwed up.
That being said, smalltime piracy does allow games to be sold, just not as many (1 copy might be bought per group of 5 people instead of 5 copies and then you have people who don't have many RL friends).
Navagon: Yeah, but software licenses try and make it seem like you're buying a service, rather than a product. That may be, to a degree, somewhat necessary. But naturally it is something that has been exploited to hell and back and I think that we can only expect that to get worse as companies see just how far they can push consumers away from ownership and onto a drip feed (Ubisoft is something of a pioneer there).
There's nothing wrong with that provided that what they are providing is an actual service and is priced fairly given what is provided.
I don't have a problem with a service like Netflix or some browser games I've played, but I do have a problem with them picking what is essentially a single-player game and sticking some peripheral feature to it in order to claim that the game needs an external server to run.