nuuikle: I've just finished a ton of work. (Coming, I might add, right after about twenty-three tons and a giraffe of a different kind of work... Doesn't it always?) All the way through it, up til about an hour ago, I was thinking "Man, I can't wait to get done with this so's I can play some Baldur's Gate."
Then I got tired, and all I could think was "Man, I can't wait to get done with this."
Some people seem to be able to kick back and turn their brains off when they go to play a game -- in fact, that's how they use some games, for mindless unwinding. I can't really do that. It seems I have to be mentally present for whatever game I'm playing, even the simple ones that don't demand a great deal of intellectual effort. So I'm watching Internet videos instead, probably because I'm mentally trained to veg out in front of a TV. If I had to hypothesize, I'd say that as a kid I used games, even the "stupid" ones, as an outlet of expression and mental effort, and I find it hard to ignore that today.
Can you use games for mindless entertainment? If you can, how do you remain mentally unengaged, or do you even know? Does it depend on the game?
Weirdly enough, I find strategy games to be one of the easiest form of mindless entertainment there are (especially the turn based ones).
After I exhausted reading and watching TV because I'm too tired (you have to "absorb" a fair amount of info to get the most out of those modes of entertainment and I feel like I'm missing out on it if I do an half-assed job at grasping the details), I can still play some strategy game I know to put myself to sleep.
I played so many that for most of them, I can put my brain on autorun and do a decent job against the CPU on average or hard.
I think it stems partly from growing up playing games like Populous and Master of Orion.
It also helps that the final complexity of what you have to input is rather limited and it's mostly about processing.
And finally, the endgame result is binary. You win or you lose. Doesn't matter that you didn't play your 'A' game in a given map as long as you won it in the end. You don't have to feel like you could have reached a more satisfying result if you hadn't played it half-asleep.