overread: The teeth falling out of your mouth is actually one of those dreams that is supposed to be fairly common and is experienced by quite a lot of people. Another similar one is the dream/nightmare of something dark hovering over you (generally not something visible, but that dark presence over you).
I think he reads xkcd, and the alt texts. I've never seen a dream about my teeth falling out, or going somewhere naked (except a sauna, but that's kind of the point).
Back on topic: I've dreamed about games a lot. I've forgotten most of them, but the ones I remember are that after playing Heroes of Might & Magic 3 from the early morning to late night, I basically hallucinated about the game before falling asleep and then saw dreams about playing it forever (I remember it because I got really fed up with the game for a while after that); and once I dreamed I was playing the best game ever, but the game doesn't exist in reality (and it was more of a dream feeling thing, since I didn't remember anything about the game after I woke up); and then there was the dream where I was hiding in a tool shed because robots from Fallout Tactics were trying to beat me up.
I'm also absolutely certain I've seen many other game dreams.