amok: Not to be prejudice, and welcome back - but may I ask where this bundle is from?
If this is from Humble, and you have been away, you may not be aware thatHumble keys are not supposed to be transferred. It is against
Humbles wishes and
ToS. It is also a practice
officially frowned upon by GoG itself.
Anyway, leaving all questions about legality aside - Humble just kindly ask you to please not do it, and GoG asks you to please respect Humbles wishes on this site.
Edit - if it is not from Humble, then ignore this post and continue :)
This post does not deserve to be down-repped. For those that disagree with amok's recent actions, try down-repping the actual offending posts rather than trolling and down-repping a post that another user might even get an up-rep for. How can we move on when we leave no path for redemption?