Protoss: Their license does not matter because it was not printed on the box I bought! So it is void by German law.
Delixe: It's not just Germany it's anywhere really. EULA's are not worth the paper they are printed on (if you even get a paper copy these days) simply because you can only read and agree to them after you have purchased the game. The publishers know this only too well and are banking on the fact no one is going to challenge it in court over a $50 game.
EULAs for commercial software have occasionally had stipulations upheld. You're technically correct, though (the best kind of correct!) in that a EULA is a contract of adhesion and de facto illegal. No one's had the balls to put a stop to it though.
Protoss: Because there are also no custom (private) WoW servers! Great!
Anti-piracy fail!
Even better! If I pay for a game, should I be disallowed to play on any server I want? Would it be for example wrong to play WoW on a private server? I say no!
KavazovAngel: Your license says that you are allowed to play on Blizzard's servers only.
Private servers are crap anyway, filled with bugs and stuff.
Umm, I played on with D2 and I can say your comment is laughable, Blizzard's official servers were filled with cheaters, exploiters, and dupers and Blizzard refused to commit resources to patch in a reasonable timeframe.
Not only that but they had the resources to sue the shit out of fans trying to do anything about it, see BnetD.