Runehamster: I found that out by accident! Kind of a facepalm moment. Now I've got my revolver handy at all times for shooting propane tanks and the like :D
Rohan15: Yup. Also, try to stick to around only 3 or 4 weapons. I always have 2 shock machete, a mace/bat, and a pistol. This way you can sell shit you find until you get your 'mule' NPC at safe houses.
Currently I have three knives for throwing, a firearm, a dependable wrench, a shock machete, around 15 each of deo-bombs and molotovs, and a handful of Bleed Bombs (izzat right?). I would carry fewer weapons, but when things go horribly wrong and I can't get to my knives again, I need at least two melee weapons, so I feel like that's the bare minimum at the moment. I took all the inventory upgrade slots, though, so I'm still rolling around with loads of cash. (And I found the mule NPC :D )
LiquidOxygen80: Explosive knives FTW. Seriously, I'd be sticking multiples into Thugs, Juggies, fat guys in the sewers.
Is that the fury skill? I haven't put any points into that yet. I guess I should - I just hit the city, and it would have been useful against infected.
F1ach: You can detonate tanks with any thrown weapon, you probably knew that, but jic you didnt :)
Thanks! I did, but it doesn't seem to boomerang back most of the time when I do that, so I've just tossed away something I badly need. I try to expend bullets for that now :D