Cazychel: Yes, there are things that annoy me about these "surprises" as well:
1. I got a game I already owned on GoG. (Duke Nukem 3D if you're wondering)
2. I got two games I had no interest in buying. (Outlast, Spacechem) But that's entirely okay! It can't be all for me.
3. Everytime I wished I chose another "gift"... Not really fun.
Okay, time for another try, incidently - let's take a look.
Hm, Influx for 2.49€. Seems nice enough....
Also, why can I neither click the game to look what it is, nor put it in my cart to buy it together with other stuff that is not in my wishlist?
The price on the game's page is also not that of the special gift offer, thus I have to navigate three times over the complete page to cobble together my order... *phew*
Okay, okay, this is a promotional thing and I appreciate it, it's actually quite okay, just very, very uncomfortable.
It's probably quite difficult to code this so that only the people who randomly got that game get the discount on the game page rather than clicking through from the front.