Delixe: Then you are being naive. It's the only outcome and it's happening right now. Big publishers are already restricting PC games as much as possible and the middle sized publishers are leaving the PC entirely. It's a fact, just look around you.
I think you're seeing it far more gloomily than I am. Yeah, sure, Battlefield of Duty The Fifth Asskicking will be all kinds of hosed up for PC if it comes out at all, yet I'm seeing people kicking out games like Angry Birds, Minecraft, Avadon: The Black Fortress, Super Meatboy, etc. There's still industry vets like the Runic guys (polishing up Torchlight 2) that are putting stuff out and they certainly sold many boxed copies. We'll be getting games, a lot of awesome ones, more than anyone but a kid during summer vacation has time to play, even while the industry revises itself.
To be clear, I don't disagree that some stuff will be bad and some changes will be disappointing, but it's already happening (or has happened, in some cases, how'd we get to activation being the norm when no other platform requires it?).
Delixe: Ridiculous statement. Are you truly saying a developer/publisher is better off getting 0 than 10 dollars for a game? Even despite what devs/pubs have said about Steam sales in the past?
Okay, I'm not sure you comprehended what I was trying to communicate. Certainly the devs/publishers are better off with your 10 bucks a year or 18 months later, my only contention is that this qualifies as bigtime industry support. By then a sequel is in production or not. By then they know whether the game made money or not. Your 10 bucks is gravy, but the long tail sales, while they can be projected, don't cause policy decisions in the big publishers as far as I know.
If someone knows different, fair enough, I'm actually interested in the data if you have it.
Delixe: Pirates constantly use the demo excuse but the truth is none of them will buy it even after they play it and they certainly wont pay full price for it.
I'm not defending the demo excuse, in general (though I know some people probably do buy most of the games they demo this way and like, not all do). I don't defend all acts of piracy. Let me be clear, I do defend some.
As a side note, I have definitely walked out 2/3 of the way through a shitty or inappropriate movie and was refunded my money when asked. Hell, some vehicle dealerships will let you take home a car over the weekend to try it out! Perhaps if there was legit ways to actually return unfit PC game products the deck wouldn't be stacked quite has highly against the consumer.
Delixe: In one month from now you will see just how bad the pirates are when the GOG DRM free version of The Witcher 2 is plastered all over the torrent sites.
I don't defend all acts of piracy nor all pirates, certainly what you say will happen. Regardless The Witcher 2 will be paid for by me and people who abstain from other AAA games merely because of how much better they are being treated in this case. I predict an overall financial success even if there's 5 copies pirated for every purchased copy.