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Moonbeam: Nice giveaway nightrunner!

You should enjoy your reading, they are very good:)
QC: There's four or five entries I think are probably going to come out on top, which scares the hell out of me.
They are all really good, including yours:)
QC: That probably means I should have waited to throw mine in as to present less competition to overthrow. Either way the results are going to be interesting, it's going to fall heavily on preferences.
Melvinica: I posted kind of quickly myself and maybe I should have put more thought into my story.
There's still time if you want to expand. When I wrote my idea I sat down and thought on it for 2 hours. At the time I was worrying about school and studies and so forth, you can probably do far more than I did with the same amount of time with less pressure on you.
lol When I wrote mine It was in the early hours of the morning and I was dead tired. Hence how short and incoherent it is.
Come visit Rylon IV!

This scenic planet is one of the largest blue gas giants known to human kind, and in the neon seas you can 'swim' with the Rylonian giant glowing jellyfish. These creatures while as large as most spacecraft are friendly and are native only to Rylon IV. The roam freely and fly through the inner layers of gas deeper than the most resilient flying subs can dive but as they come up to the surface their slight electric charge interacts with the gases to give beautiful light shows never seen elsewhere in the galaxy. No one knows what these creatures eat, but it is surmised that they feed on the energy of the excited atoms themselves, whether they be excited by the jellyfish, solar winds or the passage of our tourist vehicles.

When you're not out jellyfish spotting you can rest and relax at Rylon IV's capital city Jewel. Floating on the upper layer of the planet's gasses there are new vistas to see each and every day! Jewel follows the Rylonian winds moving gently along which makes for a very relaxing rocking motion in all of the high quality hotels and dining establishments.

When you have tasted our finest chef's cuisine and are fully rested make sure you don't miss seeing the vortex. Tours leave daily to visit this massive funnel storm system. The vortex is typically composed of at least 5 separate but closely packed funnels. The largest funnel of the Vortex has not stopped in over 20 solar cycles. Some have said that through the eye of the vortex the core of Rylon IV can be seen as a giant diamond larger than the 'Earth' the fabled homeworld of man. Many have tried to dive down into the Vortex to see for themselves but are never heard from again. Please observe all our Rylonian tour guides safety precautions if you wish to cloud ski or deep cloud dive, especially in class 5 storm areas like the Vortex. Beginners and advanced training and instruction courses are available in our Jewel virtual reality centers for a nominal fee!

Don't miss out on the trip of the millenia, talk to your local space travel agent and book passage to Rylon IV today!

As to the giveaway, I much enjoyed reading the other entries, thank you all for sharing! My first choice in prizes would be for the Mixed Package of Planetary Annihilation and Sid Meier's Alpha Centari, 2nd choice would be for the Thief GOG package. Thank you for hosting and providing the inspiration for this giveaway nightrunner227!
Post edited December 17, 2013 by BlueKronos
It is a land caught between lands, when one looks into the night sky and a sense of foreboding fills the soul it is because you have seen what must pass for hell. Between waking dreams and nightmares here dwell the primordial thoughts kept at bay by the lights of man. The land has many names that have been bestowed by its many inhabitants but these are not its own, its real name is Iculithas a sprawling city that stretches beyond any conceivable horizon. Though those who named it are all now but dust carried through their city by the relentless winds. A land not defined days of light and darkness but by shades of gray eternally blending the twilight and a dawn that never comes.

Many come to this land to the city of Iculithas, though how or why they came is long forgotten. Left to wander the empty city seeking purpose, seeking answers, seeking hope; hope a strange concept in a strange land. What can one hope for when there is nothing? They arrive not knowing where they are or how they came there. Men and women from every rung and ladder of society; bound together by one thing, their secrets. If asked if there was anything they think they could have done to deserve this wretched fate their eyes change. Their eyes travel back to a different time, a different place looking upon the moments that they will carry to the day they die.

The Fami Malum are the only living creatures besides the lost souls that roam the streets of Iculithas, another forgotten piece of this forgotten land. Whether they were here always or not, only the cobbled streets could tell the tale of this rancid horde. Akin in size and shape to rats they move like a river flowing around and over anything in their path. They are obsidian black from their fur to their eyes and even their teeth, with sick pale pink boils protruding in patches across their slender frame. They can travel in packs of several hundred swarming entire districts of city and stripping the flesh off of any they encounter with a single minded viciousness. Those who walk the streets of Iculithas who are fortunate enough to have encountered them and lived have developed many strange beliefs around them. Some call them animals, others devils, and yet more still worship them as servants of a forgotten god and offer themselves to be purified in both body and soul by the great swarm.

The buildings of Iculithas are uniformed squares, never rising more than two stories from the ground, their smooth surfaces and crisps corners’ true age only betrayed by the gray dust that settles everywhere. Breaking this uniformed perfection is a singular sight that is loathsome to behold. A spire of blackest stone that seemed to drink what little light there was from the air grows from the earth. Its malevolent frame rises up and up past the clouds themselves, a crooked and twisted depravity defaced by a thousand scars and unspeakable effigies reaching towards the heavens. Like a melting candle about to collapse pieces slough away from the core and drip a black ichor upon the ground below. None who dare to venture to endure its sight return.

I'm in for Thief 2+3 or NWN Diamond+Planescape Torment
I'd also appreciate constructive criticism.
Post edited December 18, 2013 by theslitherydeee
How many writers are here in GOG??? I've been reading all the entries and they are great!

Nightrunner you are really going to have a hard time choosing the best of this list.... I'll already made my choice, and I'm cursing everyone because its not my own...

Damn you, Gabriel Knight avatar!!! Inspire me!!!
medusa86: How many writers are here in GOG??? I've been reading all the entries and they are great!

Nightrunner you are really going to have a hard time choosing the best of this list.... I'll already made my choice, and I'm cursing everyone because its not my own...

Damn you, Gabriel Knight avatar!!! Inspire me!!!
Quite a few apparently. Maybe I should have dug out my old notebooks and really fleshed out my entry xD
General Setting: Earthlings colonized the galaxy and beyond. Then there was trouble at home, and the ships pulled back. The outlying colonies had no space travel capabilities of their own, so they were left alone. Thirn has been alone a long long time. Not long enough to forget the legends, but long enough to lose the facts. Long enough to have grown angry and turned violently inward. Long enough to have spread across the surface, stripping, exploiting, and destroying along the way. Long enough to have burrowed underground. Long enough to have forgotten how to live up top.

City: Thirn is the world, and Thirn is the city. Thirn is the interconnected web of underground spaces. Thirn is self-contained and all-containing. There is nothing else outside of Thirn.

Landmark: But Zgrab knows a little more, doesn't he? He is one of the Scavengers, sent by the powers of Thirn to the surface, to the blasted waste to learn, to bring back, to study, to fix. And Zgrab has seen the long tunnel to the light. He knows that Thirn no longer turns, and this is why the surface is always dark. But there is a place where it is always light. That's where his wife was headed the last time he saw her.

Creature: The glowies are everywhere. phosphorescent mammals. Or mammals with a sybiotic phosphorescent fungus. Or something new entirely. They are everywhere. The bring light to Thirn. They are shy. But they seem to know us. They are the light in the darkness. They might be the hope of Thirn.

I've been meaning to enter this for a while. This is all I have time to write out. What a great idea for a giveaway! Thanks for pushing the old noggin a bit!

I'll be in for, hmmm...., let's see...

The Void, Cat Lady, Closure. If that fails, the Legendary Collection of Bethesda-orama, please.

Cheers, all!
I couldn't miss this, even though I have little time lately. And since I find it dull to just describe something let's put it in a story:

The sun was shining extraordinarily hot today. The wind was blowing from the direction of the desert and his lungs were dry as the boy stood watching the procession from afar. The line of priests seemed to be unending. The low-level acolytes were already at the Skydome's entrance while he still couldn't make out the Archbishop. The festivities were under-way for a week now and the grand finale was nearing.
It was a great week. I haven't made so much loot in the entire year than this week. And now the final prize is so near.
He looked round and took in the great city of Sippar. Some people said it was the largest city in the world. And during the festivities certainly the busiest. Hordes of people in the streets down below, but around the path of the procession the flat rooftops of the houses were also crowded by people.
He begun jumping as silent as possible from one rooftop to another. The Archbishop, the Sceptre of Elam in his hand, was nearing the grand statue of Nisroch the second largest building in the city, gazing towards the Skydome.
Sweat began to run down his face as he picked up pace. He could already hear the cracking of the wheels of the large carriage with it's huge bars holding the Baaljhag. The beast was huge, four times as high as a grown-up man huge fangs in it's wide mouth and large clawed paws. Its grey hair stood in disarray and its blood-red eyes were fixed on something before him. It didn't made any move just stared behind itself, like a cat ready to jump a bird with lips drawn back and fangs dripping saliva. Some said its home is in the Breakneck Mountains and that the air up there is so thin that humans cannot survive for more than minutes.
From his vantage point he could now see the large port where the the large dromons from all over the world were anchored. There were ships from all continents: Nodland, Efland, Gunmar, Khanar and of course his home Zagras. For the last hundred years the city was ruled by the Akkelan Empire and this brought an age of prosperity and wealth. Under the Empire's protection the trade routes were safer then ever and commerce flourished. But still there were discontent people who were dreaming of the good old days when each city was for itself. Urag was not one of them. He enjoyed life under the Empire, peace was good for the thieving business. And soon he would have his greatest prize so far. But first a small diversion is needed.
He slid his hands under his cape and drew his two daggers and slid them under his sleeves and jumped into a side-street. He quickly made his way through the crowd, pushing and shoving. People let out loud curses behind him. He didn't cared and in a couple of moments he was next to the carriage. The daggers were in his hands in the blink of an eye. The guards at the back of the carriage didn't even had time to realise what happened to them and they were already lying down on the ground.
Panic spread through the crowd as the huge gate of the cage came crashing down. People shouting and running in all directions, but Urag didn't heed them. He was already focused on his target. The Baaljhag jumped in the middle of the crowd and closed its fangs around one of the bystanders while slapping around with its huge paws and slicing up people like they were thin paper.
The Archbishop's entourage began to turn around and trying to make an escape while the Baaljhag was otherwise occupied so they haven't paid attention to Urag as he thrust his daggers in the backs of the guards near the Archbishop. His hands reached out to rip away the artefact from the man, when in a split second everything went black and silent. No more noise from the crowd, no more commotion.
The Archbishop looked down on the now-dead thief next to him:
- Well done captain! - he shouted to the man running towards him. - A clean shot into the heart. The little arrogant...

I'm not sure if it fits the requirements but if it does then I'd like to be in for the Elder Scrolls first or Planetary Annihilation.
Also won't say no to Thief 2+3, Spellforce Platinum either.
Post edited December 19, 2013 by blotunga
Many thanks for your entries! I enjoyed reading them, and managed to find someone for each prize. The PMs with your codes have already been sent, so congratulations!
nightrunner227: Many thanks for your entries! I enjoyed reading them, and managed to find someone for each prize. The PMs with your codes have already been sent, so congratulations!
Aren't you going to tell us who they are?
So we can congratulate or commiserate as you must of had a hard time deciding:).
Post edited December 23, 2013 by Moonbeam
nightrunner227: Many thanks for your entries! I enjoyed reading them, and managed to find someone for each prize. The PMs with your codes have already been sent, so congratulations!
Moonbeam: Aren't you going to tell us who they are?
So we can congratulate or commiserate as you must of had a hard time deciding:).
If you wish. =P


I would list honorable mentions, but then I'd be listing most everybody who entered. I think selecting winners was honestly based more on who wanted what than on who wrote the better content.
Thanks nightrunner for the giveaway, really enjoyed it.

Thanks and congrats to everyone, loved reading all the stories:)
Gratz to the winners and I am seriously jealous of whoever won Planetary Annihilation. :P Thanks for the giveaway.
Congrats to the winners and happy holidays.