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Hey there! So this will be my very first giveaway and while I was hoping to come up with something a bit more creative and involved for you all, I finally settled on this simple question and answer format.

First things first, what's the prize?

You decide! The winner can choose one of the folloing GOG titles:

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (Went to the second place winner: GabiMoro)
Divine Divinity
Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption
Wizardry 6+7 (Went to the first place winner: Mrstarker)

So how does it work?

It's simple; I want you to tell me about your all-time greatest video game achievement!

Now to be clear, I'm not talking about one of those unlockable Steam achievements or anything like that. (Although those kinds of achievements are not necessarily excluded.) Rather, I want to hear about the most challenging, time consuming, and excessively crazy thing you've done inside a game, simply for the love of that game.
PASSION is the key here, I'm looking for some serious video game nerd-love! :^)

********************THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED********************
Congratulations to Mrstarker and GabiMoro, and a big thank you to everyone who took the time to join in.
Hope to see you all in my next giveaway!
Post edited October 05, 2013 by ofsaturn
Long ago, I completed Wonder Boy for SMS including the final 4 secret levels. To unlock the final 4 levels you have to acquire the hidden doll bonus on each of the 36 levels of the game. No walkthroughs, no save states, no cheats I had to find the hidden location of each doll and then do a run through of the game getting them all. In Wonderboy, you cant go back so if you missed your chance at the doll on any level too bad - might as well reset. The secret Final Boss had a lions head and then I got a crappy ending, but it still felt great to finally beat that game.

I completed GTAs Vice City and San Andreas to 100%/99.8% completion (I just couldn't get that one mission where you have to guide the bombs with that @#$%@#$% tractor thing in SA.). Some of these missions were so hard I'm permanently traumatized, but I was determined to reach 100%.

I completed a one character run through of Baldurs Gate 2 and also completed it with all the difficult Weidu mods. Can't wait for Project Eternity!

EDIT: In for Startopia :)
Post edited September 27, 2013 by maggotheart
Probably the best achievement I've ever accomplished in gaming was beating Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse on the Virtual Console. Those last few levels...Christ, I don't even wanna think about it.

As far as pure time, though, I did get all the stars in Mario Galaxy; the original set, and the Luigi set. That took awhile. Only the purple coin levels were taxing, though.

Thanks for the giveaway! Count me in for Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption :D
My first big and great accomplishment was a persistent, 12 hour run of the title Megaman Legends on PS1. This may not sound impressive... but it was the first time I ever beat it. I did so without a memory card, and I devoted an entire day to do so out of pure need to beat it, and it's one of my more memorable events in gaming. My current guess would put me at 10 years old when I did so.

Another big one I think would be finishing the game "Okami" after a long hiatus, having to re-learn the controls, gameplay, moves, abilities, story, progress, and even my tasks at hand at the tail end of a 15 hour play, and still having another 40 ahead of me to reach victory. Sound too long? I love to explore in games, so that meant pouring over every detail.

Thanks for the giveaway. If I win I'll be entering for Startopia.
Post edited September 26, 2013 by QC
Thanks for the giveaway +1
not in because i have them already :p
Back when 8bit was still king I played the NES version of Contra until I could beat the entire game 3 times without using a single continue credit.

When you defeated the final boss the game just looped back to level 1 XD
(But at the time some how that made it even better!)

I remember memorizing all the enemy spawn patterns and powerup flight paths while grooving to that wonderful Contra soundtrack. ^_^

Every bullet, every jump and every sudden enemy rushing out from the side of the screen trying for a one hit kill... Good times! :)

I was unaware of the konami cheat code at the time so the alien army had to be overcome through pure determination without the aid of infinite lives, and that final level was just nasty. XD

Loved that Nes version of it, the Arcade version had better graphics but for me that will always be Contra. ^_^

In for:
Divine Divinity
That's easy actually.

I rose up from humble beginnings in Felwithe as a High Elf Cleric in EverQuest to be in the top raiding guild on the server and was among the best geared clerics on the server at that time. I did my epic 1.0 and 2.0 quests of course along the way, raided famous places like The Plane of Time, Tacvi, The Citadel of Anguish, Frostcrypt and more. I forget them all now but I had an amazing time for years playing with some very good and highly organized people in large raids that would dwarf modern raiding in a game like World of Warcraft for example. Not to put down WoW, I am playing and enjoy that game now as a matter of fact but very casually nowadays. My glorious raiding days are long over now. It was incredible but now I like just exploring, crafting, fishing, doing dailies, leveling alts, etc., etc.

Back in the day though, I was among the mighty of Norrath and it was so much fun. I spent thousands of hours there reaching the point I did and loved it. I still miss it sometimes. It will always be the most amazing thing I ever did in gaming I'm sure.
It might not be much for some, but for me, it's defeating every map of Quake 3 Arena on the Nightmare difficulty.

My style of playing first person shooters is best described as slow and overly-cautious. That style of playing does not really fit with the fast pace of Quake 3, so I started at the simplest of difficulty levels to get used to things. I defeated every map on it, went to the next difficulty, and repeated until I was basically left with the decision to play Nightmare or move on to another game.

When a map on nightmare gave me some difficulty, I'd go back to another map on the next lowest difficulty to relax and recover, in particular, the "Bouncy Map" is one of my favorites to play.

Then came Xaero. Defeating him took me so many tries I can't even estimate, but finally doing so gave such a sense of accomplishment that it was worth the effort.

Thanks for the giveaway. It'll be interesting to read everyone's stories.
(In for Wizardry 6+7.)
Not in but just wanted to say congrats on your first GA and thanks! ;-)
The most excessive I did in a MMO, Anarchy Online. The best agent on the server was a complete obnoxious twat. So I did so much farming and tweaking and whatnot for nearly year, I practised so much till I could finally beat the guy in duels. The only time I have ever been best anything in an online game, and the last time.

If we are talking offline, how about completing near 3 campaigns of Eador, a game where many people whine about the excessive length of the campaign.

In for Startopia!
Finishing BG1 & 2 solo. And Kangaxx was the most annoying of it all, with his Maze spell - which I you're in a party isn't a problem, but solo it ends your game. I know, I'm an underachiever in games :)
In for Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption
Momo1991: Not in but just wanted to say congrats on your first GA and thanks! ;-)
I have beaten a couple of roguelike games (ADOM and Ragnarok), and I used to be very good at Die by the Sword - I would play 3-on-1 in a first to 21 kills, and managed 21-0 scorelines on a fairly regular basis.
my greatest achievement in gaming was playing XCOM EU for 24 hours straight the moment it unlocked on steam. Skipping work, eating meals at the computer, not sleeping, playing in a semi-dazed state and getting my ass kicked by alien invaders, and then falling into a deep, turn-based strategic sleep, was quite possibly the worst thing i ever put myself through with video games.

in for VtM redemption
Post edited September 27, 2013 by oasis789
For me it's quite easy to think of it. It's finishing Jagged Alliance 2 with the 1.13 patch in ironman mode. Especially in the beginning of the game when you first take Drassen, the Queen sends hordes of soldiers to retake the town. Also the endgame gets scary with her telepathic tanks obliterating your team! Judging by what people from Bear's Pit have done, my accomplishment is not much compared to them, but it's easily my crowning achievement in gaming.

Honourable mention goes to my gargantuan business/military empire I built in X3:Reunion, but it's hard to include because that game doesn't really have an end. It certainly took more time than JA2, but at some point I just had to stop which was an anti-climax...

Anyway, thanks for the giveaway +1
I'd like to enter for Wizardry 6+7.