Cliftor: 1) Go check out there forums. You'll know what I mean.
2) It has no campaign
3) Every "neutral" person I've asked have pretty told me straight up that it's nothing much more than a engine right now. To make it a worthwhile experience I'd have to wade through reams of user-made assets (see my "look at their forums" point).
4) $18 is ALOT to ask for what is essentially a glorified tech demo.
1) I agree. Apparently people think that online anonymity means you can unleash the asshole within. It's pretty sad when even the tech support moderators join in the fun sometimes to troll
2) The latest build has some sort of campaign going on already. It's still not inter-linked yet, but the basic outline is there (5 missions in total)
3 & 4) Alright I agree it's a tech demo, but it's a damn fun one at that. Although, I'm very disappointed how controls weren't fixed, the explosive bug is still there, actors still end up crushing one another when they come out of dropships
You guys have legit complaints, so I can't say I disagree. Just have to hope Daniel gets around to fixing these issues asap. It's too bad these issues are overlooked by the fanbois, and when you pop over to the forums to talk about it, you'll get shot down like a dummy dropship "wtf n00b get used to the controls, & randomness is all part of the game thats why i love it lulz"