Stevedog13: I have been interested in this series for a while. I have heard over and over how wonderful it is as an open world RPG. The only reason I never tried it was all the complaints about the controls/combat. I hear it's hard to control and that the combat is backwards and it takes half the game before you figure out how to work the interface. I would like to try this game but is it really that counter intuitive to play?
As to Orc vs Humans. I have long thought, after years of Warcraft 2, that these orcs are going about it all wrong. Don't just barge right into a new land with swords swinging, this just creates a strong backlash against you and uses up the valuable natural resources of the land. Instead the orcs should come offering themselves as a highly motivated and cost efficient workforce. After a few years the orcs will have worked their way up to supervisory and management positions. Soon you will have orc run businesses and even some of the sports teams will have orc managers as well as players. Next you have orcs as vassals to human kings, then humans as vassals to orc kings, then orcs winning seats in free and open elections. As long as the humans get to keep and work their on farms the orcs can "own" the rest of the land. No need for bloodshed, or running up deficits to pay for catapults and horse armor just a nice peaceful transfer of power.
It is, without a doubt, one of my all time favorites (I and II, wasn't so much into 3 myeslf).
But, I bought it in a bin in a mall for $5 on a whim, never heard of it, and I'm not exaggerating when I say I installed and tried that game at least 7 times before finally playing it. It was, IMO, impossible with a keyboard (whereas other games are just hard with a keyboard).
I mapped the keyboard keys to my logitech gamepad, installed it again, and was in love 10 minutes into the game. And the controls ARE quirky, because you have to be pressing TWO buttons simultaneously to do something. Which is why it's much, much easier on a gamepad IMO.
FWIW, Gothic 1 does not have built in gamepad support, so you must use a program like logitech profiler to map the keys to a gamepad. But Gothic 2 does have built in gamepad support IF you modify the config file. Once you modify the cofig file to support a gamepad, then it's just a matter of going into control setting inside the game and pressing the gamepads buttons for each thing since it will recognize the gamepad.
But IMO Gothic 1 and 2 have to be on anyone's list of all time best RPG's. The world is big and well done, the voice acting leaves a little to be desired in that they only had so many voices so the same voices repeat for many characters, but still the story was good and rich, and the quests were a lot of fun and developed the story, and the open world allowed unlimited exploration. Only problem though is when you're at the beginning of the game, you don't want to explore too much cause you'll get your ass kicked. It's cool though that you can.
Anyway, sorry for the length, but I'm just a HUGE HUGE fan of Gothic 1 and 2 (gold edition is SWEET) and I agree with the OP when it should be played in order because the story flows so well from one to the next with the same characters, even those same voices again. LOL