Posted March 14, 2014
Magmarock: [...] 360 was was around $600 with a 1 year warranty at first, long loading times and most games will last you around a five hours. Most of all had a faultily rate of over 60% yet people still kept buying it.
The second production run Xbox 360s (2006 era) had a mechanical design flaw in which the motherboard would expand and flex under heat. I recall it was about the positioning of the screws that holds the motherboard fixed to the case. Every machine of that generation was doomed to fail with enough use as the flexing of the motherboard would eventually break, so Microsoft gave all customers a three-year warranty. I was such a customer and from the first time my xbox froze it would only take a month until it was permanently showing the red ring of death. I called up Microsoft and they set me up to send the machine to Germany. Not long after that they UPS'ed me a brand new Xbox free of charge. It still works after years of use.
Just clarifying one part of your trollish post.