F4LL0UT: Weird reactions. I thought I was as hardcore a PC gamer as it gets and I'm totally okay with gamepads for shooters.
For me the console FPS games I've felt are fine are those where the gameplay seems heavily customized for slower reactions, for example:
- The enemies move quite slowly, and take their time aiming at you etc. before they shoot at you. So you have lots of time to get the sight on them. I'm mainly thinking of games like the few Medal of Honor or Call of Duty games I have played on PS2 (and PSX, e.g. the very first Medal of Honor game).
- Console FPS games seemed to popularize the "gallery shooting" FPS gameplay, where you don't necessarily move around that much, but concentrate on aiming and shooting at incoming enemies from one spot. Later this evolved to the cover-based gameplay, but in its heart still the same thing. So none of the split-second counter-strafing while shooting in a middle of hordes of enemies, like I've used to as a PC gamer since Doom times (well, maybe Quake, the enemies in Doom generally moved pretty sluggishly and it had heavy autoaim, so I could play it successfully with keyboard only).
So I think that is why Halo 2 XBox was so painful to me, because it felt more like a PC FPS game, ie. you did need to move around quite much during the action, shoot and fling grenades while running around to reach the enemy from the back and then run the other way etc. So at times it was easily as hectic as PC FPS games, but gamepad controls seemed to make my reactions considerably slower.
So I guess it is hats off from me to people who became masters with the XBox version (in Legendary mode) using a gamepad. I just had to give up after trying to pass the early hangar assault part a few hundred times. I switched to the PC version, and with a few retries I passed the same part (in Legendary mode). Actually that hangar assault was IMHO probably the hardest part in the whole game, so maybe if only I had passed it, maybe I would have finished the XBox version with a gamepad after all...