mystikmind2000: My computer has been up to no good lately and then last night something happened which i have never seen before?
I was playing Disciples 2 then the game appeared to crash, all the units vanished from the map but the terrain was still visible and the game was frozen. But the most unusual thing - the mouse and keyboard lost power?? And yet the computer was still running (the humming of cooling fans at least).
I restarted and shortly after restarting i got a blue screen it says "IRQL not less or equal than".... i have seen this same blue screen a number of times before.
I have had trouble in the past as well, but i simply shift the RAM around, pull out and replug cords, pull out and re-install vidio card, then it runs very good for several weeks before starting the same mischief again.
I have suspected the Video card because it seems quite loose in the slot, and whenever i have played around with it, the computer suddenly runs very good (for a time).
I have also suspected the HDD for far longer than the mischief started, because it never let me defrag it -if i tried, the defrag process would run but never complete, i even let it run for 2 whole days when i went away for the weekend. came back and defrag was still going. It is a shame Windows in its infinite wisdom no longer provide the defrag progress bar they used to, because that would be quite useful here!
Here is my system in detail:
Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6000) (6000.vista_gdr.100218-0019)
Motherboard: Gigabyte P35-DS3L
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
Memory: 4094MB RAM DDR3
DirectX Version: DirectX 10
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Display Memory: 2798 MB
Dedicated Memory: 1007 MB
Shared Memory: 1791 MB
Current Mode: 800 x 600 (32 bit) (75Hz)
Any suggestions/comments? Especially if anyone knows what that Blue screen error refers too?
If your computer more slow, i think you can update the driver updater to update your all drivers, motherboard, processor, memory, graphic, network, etc. It will help you to solve your problem.
This page will helps you.