Stooner: (and the green dots still bugs me)
From the OP:
Miaghstir: prizes give off an unusual signal and can only be measured two compartments away (one in between the indicator and the prize it’s indicating)
That is, rather than tell you there's a prize in an adjacent box (like the reds do for mines), there's one two boxes away.
Look where the indicators for the prize at E04 are (excepting the two closed boxes at C02 and G03, and the hole at C04).
Or look at the green dots at H08 to H11, all of them are two boxes away from both F09 and J10.
Interesting, and confusing, stuff can happen if the prizes are at the right distance from each other, then you get stuff like J10-K07 (I09 refers to K07 and J08 refers to J10 despite being closer to the other, I08 refers to both ) and C08-F09 (D08 refers to F09 and E08 refers to C08).