Posted September 15, 2010
My link isn't the fastest so I like to use my gateway box for such acts so that the games are downloaded overnight. This works but, given the current download system, is a right pain in the read-end mainly because there are, generally 5-7 things to download and the mass-download requires I use my desktop for such acts. This is something I prefer not to do. My house chews enough juice as it is (and given Adobe's security record in recent weeks, the less of their stuff I install the better).
As such I was wondering if it was possible to provide a single zipfile with -everything- relating to a game. That way I can just use that to grab everything overnight and be happy.
As such I was wondering if it was possible to provide a single zipfile with -everything- relating to a game. That way I can just use that to grab everything overnight and be happy.