Ralackk: Yes, I loved the completely pointless throne room in Civ 2. They could even improve it and give you some options about the things you place. I'd also love the talking advisors again and better wonder movies. I really like Civ 4 but I think CIv 2 had way better wonder movies and advisors then it.
I actually found the wonder animations of 4 much more appealing, but the music from the ones in 2 were much better.
But the castles and the throne rooms, oh god how I miss them. They were my favourite bit of side "doesn't matter but god it's nice shite".
And the return of talking advisors would be epic. And they should get recognizeable voices for 'em this time around. Not actors or singers, but actual voice actors. Oh, how awesome would it be to have the voice of childhood characters tell you you're doing a good job/fucking up royally.
...yeah, I'm a nerd. :X