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Everyone share the gaming related memories from Christmas back yonder.Tell the Christmas tales the helped make you the gamer that you are today!
I'm shy. You first.
I can remember getting a NES back in 1985 for Christmas. All I had was the Super Mario/Duckhunt pack-in title but all I know is that was all I played all day. Opened other stuff but none of it compared to the NES (and it was a huge improvement over the 2600 I had). Good times.
Orion66: I'm shy. You first.
well i remember faintly i got the original play station that broke 2 years after purchase i remember i got the game cube but the year i cant remember super Mario sunshine sonic adventure 2 battle and sonic mega collection are the games i remember getting on Christmas day my memories are faint but they are there and they still make me smile a bit when i look back on them.
Many, many moons ago I got an Atari 2600 for Christmas, along with a couple games for it. Pac-Man being one. I spent a good portion of the day playing Pac-Man, getting an amazing high score, then my mom came along and beat my high score. D:

Couple years ago, my Mom got me one of those Atari retro game things, with loads of games, one being Pac-Man. We spent some of the morning playing Pac-Man. . .and she could still beat my score.
I remember when I got a SNES for Christmas. It was with Super Mario Allstars, and it was the only major present I got that year (the rest consisted of clothes & some candy), but I really did not mind. as I really wanted an SNES more than anything else back then. My parents did not get to use the TV all that much the following days.
Oh, one year I got an Odyssey 2. Talk about primitive.
Way back when, us kids got the Magnavox Odyssey. It was so long ago, I can't remember most of the games we had. There was a LOTR game, a tank battle game, a world domination game. All in monochrome of course.