* C L O S E D * Sorry for the delay. This is the first day of the new year and I've already done my bad habit, procrastinating! The giveaway that should've been ended in 2013, now ended in 2014. One year too late is too serious....
Alright three winners have been chosen, they are:
Barefoot_Monkey: I'm in for Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete Edition
Thank you for doing this. Congrats on your star, and have a happy new year!
Congrats, you won Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete Edition!
pantekranger: im in for Thief™ 3: Deadly Shadows thanks! :D
Congrats, you won Thief™ 3: Deadly Shadows!
DrakoPensulo: I am in for Tomb Raider 1+2+3
Thanks and +1 for you.
Congrats, you won Tomb Raider 1+2+3!
For you who didn't win, maybe next time. There'll be, promise. Thank you all for participating and happy new year of gaming!