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Fever_Discordia: oh THAT's what the exclamation point means - I though it meant 'hot topic' or something!
Whenever I post, you know the topic just got hot. :P
serpantino: They'll probably end up being just another generic distribution site which'll eventually serve up games with drm too.
TheEnigmaticT: Have a little faith in GOG. We're never going to add games with DRM. ;)
Please type the 56th word in the 6th paragraph of page 16 of your manual :D
Fever_Discordia: No-one's commented yet that newer games are going to attract a younger crowd than us nostalgia-nic 30 somethings, younger crowd = more testosterone and stupidity fueled forum flamings
This announcement means that the forums are going to the dogs! To the DOGS I tell you! and you guys are worried about the games? priorities, people!
um I'm 18 and I like to think I'm not that much of a fuss here on the forums.
Fever_Discordia: No-one's commented yet that newer games are going to attract a younger crowd than us nostalgia-nic 30 somethings, younger crowd = more testosterone and stupidity fueled forum flamings
This announcement means that the forums are going to the dogs! To the DOGS I tell you! and you guys are worried about the games? priorities, people!
deshadow52: um I'm 18 and I like to think I'm not that much of a fuss here on the forums.
I WAS being a bit tounge-in-cheek - everyone got that, right?
but it IS a good crowd around here, do hope it stays that way, I think anyone with an appreciation of what truely makes a good game and can enjoy playing things that don't necesarily push their graphics cards to the limit are true games and good people, regardless of age but I think the average user on here being a bit older helps set the general tone, but, no I'm not going to assume any individulal is a dick just because they're 18!
deshadow52: um I'm 18 and I like to think I'm not that much of a fuss here on the forums.
Fever_Discordia: I WAS being a bit tounge-in-cheek - everyone got that, right?
but it IS a good crowd around here, do hope it stays that way, I think anyone with an appreciation of what truely makes a good game and can enjoy playing things that don't necesarily push their graphics cards to the limit are true games and good people, regardless of age but I think the average user on here being a bit older helps set the general tone, but, no I'm not going to assume any individulal is a dick just because they're 18!
Oh sorry I didn't know you were joking lol. I guess so many people were calling for the end of gog that I assumed your comment was saying the same thing. yeah you are right we do have a great community here with only a few big arguments here and there. Newer games may change the community a bit with new people and all but I don't think in a negative community destroying way. it will probably bring some good things and bad things. some people say my age might be looking for a newer game with no drm and then later try out an older game and end up liking it and then maybe ask the community what other old game to try. Hell I came here for Unreal Tournament GOTY year and bought old games I heard of but never tried before like Fallout and Baldur's Gate and I love them and that is with no nostalgia attached.
keeveek: What's wrong with idiea to have more games in gog catalogue? Let's hope they will not abandon Tue and Thu new oldies releases, and nothing will change for good old games fans.
serpantino: It'll be a mess. If it's a separate site that can be ignored then that's fine but mixing the old and the new just makes a convoluted mess like other sites. I don't even think to search for old games on sites like gamersgate, I only ever look at the sales section.

Plus the new games market is more competitive and if they get games DRM free they're going to have to pay out a lot of money to keep them as exclusives, otherwise every distribution site will end up with them. If they do pay out for exclusivity then the prices are likely to be more than the DRM versions to cover the cost. If they don't pay out for exclusivity then bigger distributors will be able to sell the games DRM free too and undercut GOG, especially in sales.
...and in that highly unlikely scenario, will be known as the DD that changed the rules of the game. Besides a solid fanbase of DRM-haters, they can always fall back on what they're currently doing: selling older titles DRM-free
They've said that newer games will have no DRM, they're not going to remove from their catalogue their old games so why the hell are so many people whining ?
Dreadz: They've said that newer games will have no DRM, they're not going to remove from their catalogue their old games so why the hell are so many people whining ?
Maybe you wouldn't need to bold your own post if you bothered to actually read the thread and use some understanding.
I'm quite happy to hear about the coming addition of new(er) games to GOG, and am looking forward to seeing the shape this endeavor ends up taking. Overall I expect this move to work out quite well for GOG, provided they manage to retain certain aspects of the service that currently distinguish them from other online distributors. It's good to hear that the games will remain DRM free, and pricing will remain the same for everyone around the world. The other thing I think they need to be careful to maintain is the quality for the games they offer here. While the GOG catalog does contain a few not-so-good old games, as a whole it is a very high-quality selection. Hopefully GOG remains equally discerning as they proceed to offer newer games, so that the catalog doesn't become cluttered with poor games and shovelware as the catalogs of most other online distributors have. Basically, I think GOG just needs to be sure they maintain the identity that has successfully differentiated them so far, so that they don't run the risk of becoming just another distributor that's no different from any of the others. However, I get the feeling they're aware of this and we don't have much to worry about.

I'd also like to say that looking at the history and path of GOG that's brought it to this point, there's definitely the appearance of an ambitious strategy that's well thought out with long term goals. Not sure how accurate this perception is, but it's definitely refreshing to see a well-run business that's planning for the long game.
More power to them to help us get good games at a reasonable price that are DRM free.
With the possibility of getting new games DRM-free, I just may not bother buying games on release at all... depending on what publishers/devs GOG manages to sign up for this.
Finding out that Good Old Games will soon be distributing newer games DRM-free is--at the very least--the best news regarding digitally download games I have seen all year. To tell you the truth, it would tickle me pink if GOG became more popular than Steam.
This is like when Amazon started selling more than books. People thought it was silly at the time, but now look at that company. Is GOG destined for the same greatness? As long as they don't lose their soul in the process...
GoG adding games newer than 3 years old is great news, especially since they're supposed to be DRM-free. considering there haven't been that many DRM-free releases in the past 3 years, that would mean the games would most likely have their DRM removed.

the question is whether publishers will jump on it or not. they're all selling their games on platforms that aren't DRM-free per se. even GamersGate still requires an online activation. the huge popularity and market-dominating position of Steam has shown that DRM isn't really a factor with the majority of gamers. some games even have double or triple DRM on Steam, and they still sell.

would UbiSoft offer Assassin's Creed 2 DRM-free on GoG? Could we get a GfWL-free edition of Fallout 3? i doubt it.
Post edited November 18, 2011 by Fred_DM
saluk: This is like when Amazon started selling more than books. People thought it was silly at the time, but now look at that company. Is GOG destined for the same greatness? ...
No certainly not. Amazon will start selling games online long before GOG starts selling books. The roles are clear.