hucklebarry: While you and TET may disagree, I feel the line is pretty clear. GOG is a gaming website. I come here to talk about games. If it isn't about games... it goes into the off topics. I don't come here to talk about religion, politics, weather, etc.
I would consider game giveaways... on topic. But I would not complain if they had their own forum as well.
I think it goes without saying that if you added a subforum, then you would also add a "view all" view to satisfy those that want to see things without filtering content.
For my part, its a business strategy. It not only provides some much needed order, but it also prevents some very offensive topics from being a first impression to potential GOG customers.
I'm not disagreeing with TET, I also feel that General is the off-topic forum. But let me give examples of "On topic or Off topic" thread, that would need categorizing.
First and foremost, the current minefield "Tropes vs Women". It is about games. It is about politics (or however you wish to call the matter). Would that be on topic or off topic?
Second discussion, the conditions of 4A when they were making Metro: Last Light. It starts as a gaming related discussion, then it evolves to working conditions. Is it on topic or off topic?
Elmofongo's latest thread, about the need for more Point and Click adventures. It's a writing piece by the author of Bioshock, who claims that more P&C adventures are needed. People think that is because he wasn't trying to make a game, he was trying to write a book. Discussion goes towards what writers are employed in the gaming industry, and why? On topic or off topic?
All 3 threads have something to do with gaming. All 3 threads are also treading on a bit "heavier" subjects, be they work conditions, holywood writers who couldn't make the cut, thus write for the gaming industry, and the many -isms.
Personally, I prefer this "organized chaos" of the forum, where the discussion begins at point A and moves wherever the flow of conversation takes it. I do understand though that people don't want to see everything, thus why I propose tags for the discussions.
On the other hand, my "Leave everything as is" is a personal preference, just like subforums are a personal preference for others. And since I'm starting to lose my train of thought, I'll stop it here and hope it makes sense...