XavierEstrago: If someone could let me know, I'd appreciate it. I really hate the numbering system of graphics cards, it's nonsensical.
Don't mean to be snarky but...dream on. My MacBook has the even more antiquated GMA 950, so I know how it feels...I've gotten HoMMV to work on it through CrossOver, but it's so slow that it's barely playable.
In all seriousness, IIRC, The Witcher needs a DirectX 9.0c compliant card for Windows. On paper, the GMA X3100 supports up to DX10 with Hardware T&L (Transform and Lighting). So I'm sure that it would probably run...but it would likely run with all of the graphical settings turned down and your resolution at its lowest level (640 x 480?). Whether you're willing to live with that is something only you can decide.
If you're willing to put the time into it, you can download a trial version of CrossOver or use Wineskin to install and play the demo version of the Witcher; it's a setup which bests approximate the official Mac version of the game, since the Mac version of The Witcher is simply the Windows version packaged in a custom Wineskin wrapper.
There's also the possibility of using
GMABooster to eke out some extra performance out of your graphics chip through overclocking...I haven't used it myself, so I can't attest to whether it works or not.
Good luck. Let us know how it goes! :)