Hey guys.... Guess what? Warheads is still going as strong as ever, except we are just down to a few people.. Best times to check for people is around noon and 8pm (PST). The main site is still up,
You can view some of my video recordings of shot in-game [url=]http://www.youtube.com/gnildir And... Furthermore, I have started a group in facebook called "Friends of WarheadsSE" and there are 65 members of that group, from the people who played Warheads using TEN to the newer folks... [url=]http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_112063108071&ap=1[/url].
Oh... Here's some news... Warheads is now free.. Max, the new owner is still working things out on registering and such.
If you have any trouble trying to download the game from Warheads.net, you can download it directly off of my site. [url=]http://www.gnildir.com/warheads154.exe[/url]
By the way... My nick is Gnildir..
Oh, the answer to your question on getting WarheadsSE to work on an x64 based system is with virtual windows (vmware) with xp installed inside of it. I am waiting for my new pc to be built so I can figure out how to get WarheadsSE to work on windows7 with an x64 system without going through all of that vmware crap.
So, if you have any questions, feel free to hook up with me. www.facebook.com/gnildir