Who, outside of tech illiterate soccer moms, interchanges "Apps" for "programs"?
... and the term stems from Java and it's "Applets" not the iPhone, so stop trying to sound like tech savvy elitist prick 'cause you failing at part of it and it's not the part you would
like to fail at.
that bull shit touch pad front end sure does look like a supped up version of Vistas "Aero" gimmick, and we all know THAT was a resource hog, so it's not too far of a stretch to figure out that this thing is going to eat the shit out of your available ram ... not to mention be extensively dependent on hardware graphics acceleration.
If people want to play with a cellphone UI, they will go buy an Android or an iPhone ... hell maybe even an iPad is they are really desperate to look "hip" and don't mind paying $500 for a Mac version of a $200 Netbook ... not go sit down at their fucking laptop / desktop. Microsoft tried this glitzy shit before and it bit them in the ass for reasons that had nothing to do with it not being "glitzy" enough.
so yes, I see this a perfect opportunity to troll the shit out of yet another piss poor M$ product that you can damn well count on being the exclusive carrier for DX12 ... which still will not offer enough of a boost over the basic performance of DX9 to warrant game developers dropping it as a basic system requirement.
DX7 -> DX8: Massive boost in performance and functionality.
DX8 -> DX9: worlds apart.
DX9 -> DX10: whoopee, fucking, doo. you could even hack games into running under DX10 mode on a DX9 system with virtually no performance loss.
DX10 -> DX11: tessellation, a wonderful buzzword to slap on the feature list but still nothing more than a post processing option that OpenGL supported years before.
gee, I wonder what could have changed between the release of DX9 and DX10 that would result in Microsoft producing shoddy, superficial improvements in it's proprietary GFX API?
I don't know, maybe the fucking Xbox 360? A video game platform of which Microsoft has absolute control of, reaps 100% of all the hardware sales, dictates the entire software library of, has a complete monopoly on it's encapsulated network as well as the ability to charge whatever the hell the want to for access to said network, and dominates the shit out of the console market ... Nahhhh, Microsoft would never purposely constrict the development of a competing product that has a fraction of the profitability.
Continued exclusive support for DirectX isn't limiting the PC video game market in any way shape or form. I mean, on one hand you have got a product that generates around $300.00 for the base hardware, $10 monthly subscription fees from virtually all of it's users, a Direct cut from each piece of software sold, and all profits from it's exclusive online store ... on the other hand we have a product that generates maybe $200 - $300 one time IF people decide to upgrade to the latest OS, no one has to licence shit with them, they don't get shit from a single hardware sale outside of some cheap ass keyboards/mice that most people throw away as soon as they can, it's associated branch of your online store is a total joke to most users, and the potential of it's hardware base (that once again they get no profit from) beats the shit out of your other product.
What kind of a fucking moron would look at that situation and think that the company in question would have any kind of a bias between the two ...
you want to ride Microsoft's love pole, fine, but don't try to talk down to me like any of this shit is going to expand it's functionality as an OS, performance as a gaming platform, and productivity as a work tool.