AdamR: And coming soon, probably in the next couple of days, after buying it just 3 days ago... Skyrim! - I love Morrowind. I even love Oblivion. I love the new Fallout games. But I am just not liking Skyrim at all.
After I spent hours trying to get past all of the technical problems, tweaking files to make it playable, and installing mods to make the interface slightly more PC-friendly, I finally started to just play the damn thing (with many technical problems still remaining,) and... It's boring. It is boring all around. The characters, the scenery, the story, the towns, the quests, the combat, the skills, the voice work... It just doesn't capture my interest like the other games do. I can't bring myself to care about anything in this world.
I'm really trying to like this. But I just can't. Am I doing something wrong? Can someone who likes it give me some advice on how to make it more interesting?
I can't play it for more than a few minutes without my eyes losing focus, and I start daydreaming and wishing I were playing Call of Duty. (Yes, you read that right.) I'm on the verge of uninstalling.
See now this I find hard to believe. Skyrim is a beautiful game that I enjoyed very much. Though I must admit there are some aspects that are downright annoying once you start playing, like leveling your weapon levels, speech, magic and such. However once you get started with that it gets a lot more fun. I spent my first few hours sneaking into people's houses and stealing from them. Breaking into a house while a person is asleep is better as well as you have to be so very quiet, otherwise you get caught and they either attack you or order you to leave there house before they call the guards. (I love the spell muffle for this). I also pickpocket as many people as I can, and if I have given any money to someone, I steal it back. Just try not to get caught :P
Another thing I like doing is shooting giants at long range, and trying to keep a distance between myself and said giant or I end up taking a club to the face, which is not very good for my health :P The point is, the game itself is very enjoyable and some of the armor sets are sexy as hell. Especially end game armor. I think what you need to do is pick a role you like (Rogue, warrior, mage, archer) and concentrate on that for a while and see how you like to play the game. If it does not sit right with you, switch roles. I would not give up on it just yet. It really is worth it if you have the will to persevere.