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As Arno said, we would very much wish to have 3 more people to join us on season 3.

Season 3 is going to started relatively soon, so fresh blood please join up already ;)
I've decided to play Dwarves in the next season, I've already decided it's name, the Runic Sleeping Pills.
This will be their song...
***moved to correct thread about our league***
Post edited October 08, 2013 by kanarek
To vamp or not to vamp - that is the question?

Should i continue sucking S3 as well or figure out something else? Cant make up my mind :/

..ive just developed intense distaste(!) for thralls. The scum cant lvl up and when they finally reach spp5 or lvl1 - the always get bashed to bits. Other than than losing teamful of thralls ive had quite much fun with vamp team.
I forgot to ask if I could return to my skavens in a later season, or if leaving them out of the third season means thay are going to be deleted.
If playing with dwarfs means I can't return to the rats later, I'll probably stick with them.
mefet: I forgot to ask if I could return to my skavens in a later season, or if leaving them out of the third season means thay are going to be deleted.
If playing with dwarfs means I can't return to the rats later, I'll probably stick with them.
As long as you don't play with them elsewhere in the meantime, you can return them to the GOG league at the start of a later season.
Moin Moin,

Wenn noch Spieler gesucht werden, würde ich mich gerne mit einem Ork Team anmelden.

mfg Jolly
jol1yroger: Moin Moin,

Wenn noch Spieler gesucht werden, würde ich mich gerne mit einem Ork Team anmelden.

mfg Jolly
I fully admit that I have no idea what this gentleman/lady said, but what I DO know is that we now only need 2 more people to expand the league size. I may have someone that is willing to join, hopefully I can find that out by tonight.

EDIT: Google Translate works wonders. I should have used that sooner.
Post edited October 09, 2013 by rcthedigitalhero
jol1yroger: Moin Moin,

Wenn noch Spieler gesucht werden, würde ich mich gerne mit einem Ork Team anmelden.

mfg Jolly
Hoi - wunderbar! Aber leider könner wir die Zahl der Turnierspiler nur indem Grupper von vier erhöhen. So in der Praxis, wir brauchen jetzt zwei zusätzliche Spieler (es gibt schon einen) um das Turnier zu vergrössern.

Saison 2 finale wird heute abend gespielt, dann dauert es nur weinige Tage, before wir Saison 3 beginnen können. -> Leider bedeutet dass es gibt nicht viel Zeit für die zwei andere neue Spieler zu finden. Es ist nicht völlig unmöglich, aber ich kann nicht versprechen. Lass uns das Beste hoffen!

Normalerweise sprechen wir English - aber wir haben ganz viele Deutch Spieler in der Liga.

Und ja, eigentlich kann ich nicht mehr deutsche sprechen so Entschuldigung für Fehler! ;)
Post edited October 09, 2013 by iippo
Ok, I can say that I've gotten a yes for a third person, she just needs to come here and actually say it herself.
Ja Herrgott, labert denn hier jetz jeder deutsch?
rcthedigitalhero: Ok, I can say that I've gotten a yes for a third person, she just needs to come here and actually say it herself.
Sounds great - so now if only one of the reserve players would kindly step forward... :)
WBGhiro: Ja Herrgott, labert denn hier jetz jeder deutsch?
Saa puhua suomeakin! \o/

...and i dont mind if you find us more italian players :)
Post edited October 10, 2013 by iippo
iippo: ...and i dont mind if you find us more italian players :)
E dove cazzo li trovo? è più probabile che trovi un unicorno che un italiano che gioca a Bloodbowl
iippo: ...and i dont mind if you find us more italian players :)
WBGhiro: E dove cazzo li trovo? è più probabile che trovi un unicorno che un italiano che gioca a Bloodbowl

Unicorn already found. Now find the italian who plays Blood Bowl :)
Out of curiosity, is BB that popular in Germany considering the number of players here?
I know CS is really big there.

Or we were just blitzed during the forming of the league?