Spinorial: Happy birthday, droog! Just to clarify, are you serving cake or burgers? Or cake made of burgers o.O
ddickinson: * Hands Crewdroog a pad and some paper and demands she shares her wishlist *
Spinorial: Let's see if my fabled snooping skills produce anything ;)
I am serving burger shaped cakes. I don't want grease splatter all over everything.
If I was really witty I'd come up with a burger of the day, but alas, I am not. Plus sleepy. Stupid daylight savings.
And a great bday gift would be to enter my GA and leave an offering of a tall tale ;)
and thanks for the bday wishes.
Ragnarblackmane: A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it. D.H. Lawrence
I wanted to post this here instead of send it in our steam chat, and of course wish you a happy birthday in this lil ole thread. I hope you enjoy your FATE as well.
I promise to write a proper tale for you sometime. It won't be tall because it will involve Dwarves, and likely vengeance against those damned pointy-eared greyskinned devils.
As you are the appointed bard of our imaginary kingdom, I look forward to hearing your short tale, even though it may (most likely) will contain our nemesis the dwarves. Be warned, if there is too much elf bashing, your head will roll!!!! ;)
Now come here and let me anoint you bard *picks up waaay to heavy of a long sword and staggers towards ragnar*