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Nice thread. Have a basic Logitech F1 Precision something gamepad. Doesnt seem to work properly for some weird reason with games it should work with. Guess the official Xbox Controller is *the* one to get?.
ktchong: Initially I was seriously considering buying a Logitech controller... until I found out about the "dead zone" issue. For people who have a Logitech gamepad: how big is it an issue? Can the "dead zone" be adjusted/fixed?
I've got two F710's and have no problems with them.
Fenixp: The official Xbox controller is the best you can get in my honest opinion. They're robust, easy on the hand, and use directInput, so vast majority of modern releases will instantly detect it and work great with it. Really, I can't recommend it enough.
No, it uses XInput. With older DirectInput games, you may occasionally run into hiccups that you must try to overcome with XPadder or somesuch. And unfortunately the OP seems to want to use the gamepad also with older titles (e.g. from my experience Psychonauts and Jade Empire work better in DirectInput mode than XInput, at the latter takes more effort to make it work satisfactorily with XInput).

For new PC games XInput gamepad is pretty much required though, e.g. the MS XBox360 controller, or Logitech F310 (which handles both XInput and DirectIInput effortlessly, without having to use any profiler software).

ktchong: Initially I was seriously considering buying a Logitech controller... until I found out about the "dead zone" issue. For people who have a Logitech gamepad: how big is it an issue? Can the "dead zone" be adjusted/fixed?
I haven't seen such an issue with my F310, which I've used with e.g. Race Driver: GRID quite a bit (as I recall some older Youtube video saying the alleged dead-zone issue is mainly visible with e.g. racing games). And I am not using any profiler software, just plug and play.
Post edited September 15, 2013 by timppu
AlKim: The official XBox controller or whatever it's called. The DualShock design just doesn't fit my hands properly, and all third-party PS controllers that I've tried make my hands hurt as well. YMMV.
darthspudius: Does the dualshock design fit any ones hands?! I'll recommend the XBOX 360 controller, in my opinion it's the finest controller ever made.
I for one dislike the XBox360 gamepad design, starting from how the analog sticks are not placed symmetrically.

Maybe different people are trying to grip the controller differently, hence see different kinds of ergonomic problems. I've played many PSOne and PS2 games for hours with the PS2 gamepad, without getting sore hands.

And no, I don't have small hands. :)
Post edited September 15, 2013 by timppu
darthspudius: Does the dualshock design fit any ones hands?! I'll recommend the XBOX 360 controller, in my opinion it's the finest controller ever made.
timppu: I for one dislike the XBox360 gamepad design, starting from how the analog sticks are not placed symmetrically.

Maybe different people are trying to grip the controller differently, hence see different kinds of ergonomic problems. I've played many PSOne and PS2 games for hours, without getting sore hands.

And no, I don't have small hands. :)
But considering how loose those horrific PS control sticks are, you end up banging thumbs when trying to do something. Playstation control was fine back in 1999, but in this day and age that controller is just a mess from a technical stand point. The only redeeming feature really is the D-Pad, but that is not really relevant for most modern games.

It's a generation thing I think, the heavier use of the buttons than the right stick would make a big difference.
darthspudius: But considering how loose those horrific PS control sticks are, you end up banging thumbs when trying to do something.
Frankly, I have no idea what you are trying to say there. What does "banging thumbs" even mean? No, I don't bang my thumbs against anything, when using the PS2 controller. Maybe you are just using it a wrong way?
I just noticed that Thrustmaster makes something called the GPX, and apparently it's better than the original 360 controller for racing games. I prefer keyboard and mouse for pretty much all genres, but it's ridiculously difficult to play any even slightly realistic driving game if your options are limited to mashing the pedal through the floor or not pressing it at all, so I might actually buy one of those. It's slightly cheaper than the original controller as well, although not by a large sum.

Also, it's got a two-year warranty which is the greatest thing ever, considering how every single electronic device that isn't a telephone tends to break after eighteen months of close proximity to me.

EDIT: What is it with me and typos this weekend?
Post edited September 15, 2013 by AlKim
timppu: I for one dislike the XBox360 gamepad design, starting from how the analog sticks are not placed symmetrically.
That and it's clumsy because of the size.
darthspudius: But considering how loose those horrific PS control sticks are, you end up banging thumbs when trying to do something.
timppu: Frankly, I have no idea what you are trying to say there. What does "banging thumbs" even mean? No, I don't bang my thumbs against anything, when using the PS2 controller. Maybe you are just using it a wrong way?
Maybe it is a big hands thing...
darthspudius: Maybe it is a big hands thing...
I can also relate to banging my thumbs together. I played MW3 on a friend's PS3 and when I was strafing right and turning left my thumbs touched and I was instantly taken out of the game and focusing on the very jarring feeling of my own hands touching each other. I didn't have that problem with the Dualshock 2 but that controller was considerably larger and therefore more comfortable for me.
timppu: Frankly, I have no idea what you are trying to say there. What does "banging thumbs" even mean? No, I don't bang my thumbs against anything, when using the PS2 controller. Maybe you are just using it a wrong way?
darthspudius: Maybe it is a big hands thing...
My hands are on the bigger side, and still no problem (if that's what you were referring to). Maybe we just grip our gamepads differently.
Post edited September 15, 2013 by timppu
darthspudius: Maybe it is a big hands thing...
Shaolin_sKunk: I can also relate to banging my thumbs together. I played MW3 on a friend's PS3 and when I was strafing right and turning left my thumbs touched and I was instantly taken out of the game and focusing on the very jarring feeling of my own hands touching each other. I didn't have that problem with the Dualshock 2 but that controller was considerably larger and therefore more comfortable for me.
There is absolutely no tension in those sticks, I think that's part of the problem. I think another problem is people who are not willing to give the xbox controller a chance because it's not the norm. I remember this problem 10 years ago and it's still here today.

If it were up to me, Gamecube controllers would be released for pc, a controller that actually sits in my hand!
I think this whole discussion is now more on the level whether tighter sports car like chassis and suspension where you will feel every small rubble deep in your spine is better than a more relaxed, smoother and softer suspension. It is a matter of preference.
I bought this a few days ago since I needed a new controller because my Wii CC isn't exactly the best (still good) and my adapter for my PS2 controller broke. Thrust GXT 28

Small review:
Pros: Design, feels good to hold, non-plastic material on sticks, turbo button, L/R2 buttons are like a grade than on/off, 2 metre cable
Cons: D-pads is one button and hard to push down, wired

I'm not sure if it uses Xinput but I find the recognization of games is acceptable but remapping is inconsistent so I just use Xpadder as I'm used to that. Price at local store was for me $35.

Conclusion: I forgot a specific issue I had in mind earlier that was minor but aside from that and the D-pads it's a very decent controller.

I'm still going to eye some wireless choices for the future, specifically the Logitech F710 (I hesitated because of the price with a seemingly bad D-pads as the rest of them and stiff buttons like 360) and the elusive Arctic USB Wireless Gamepad that had a heavy price including shipping (at Amazon UK around $70) but it had some poor reviews on Amazon and it seems to have an exact design of the Thrust controller but wireless and separated D-pads, two reasons that I find good enough for the price but I would prefer if the buttons at least feel right too.

Regarding the F710, can anyone comment regarding the D-pads and the 360 buttons (X,Y,A,B)?
Nirth: Regarding the F710, can anyone comment regarding the D-pads and the 360 buttons (X,Y,A,B)?
All of the F series have a decent D-pad, certainly better than the 360's D-pad. It's what they call a "floating" D-Pad, meaning that it rests freely on four switches.
Post edited September 24, 2013 by Mrstarker