HiPhish: Now when you look at something like VVVVVV (stupid name) or Fez, there is none of that there. it's just pandering to retro nostalgia, but no one would have made such a game in the 80s, it would have been lame. I mean, what is going on there? Am i on a space ship? If so, why are there spikes everywhere, no one would build such a space ship. Why doesn't my guy look like an astronaut?
Why am I a plumber? Why are these turtles brown mushrooms attacking me? Why do these flowers make me breath fire? Why do the clouds have eyes?
Old NES games like Mario and Contra could hardly be considered indie games unless we're willing to say that Nintendo was an indie company back in the 80s.
HiPhish: Then you have the unique ones, games like Braid where obviously a ton of effort was put into the presentation, but it's still lame. Why am I some guy in a suit jumping on disfigured goomas collecting puzzle pieces? And don't give me any of that pretentious crap like how it's all a metaphor or anything.
Surely you noticed the whole time manipulation mechanic that was pretty much the core of the game, right?
Red_Avatar: And the reason I know all this, is because I've worked on a handful of mods and projects in the past and all this was done for free and even though we rarely met in person, it didn't matter. If the project had a good leader, everyone else was motivated. If the project's leadership was flaky, people started to leave and the project sunk. It's not hard, not complex, but some of you just make it out to be.
So it was that easy for your mod teams to find artists that can create unique graphics? Graphics that were
not reskins and recolours of the graphics that were already in the game you were modding?
ET3D: Just wondering where this hatred is coming from. Has an indie game bit your behind when you were young? Have you even looked at the gameplay of these games before you pronounced judgement?
I suspect a lot of people on this forum are butthurt over the glut of platformers and the scarcity of RPGs in the indie scene. Also iDevices.