Posted April 06, 2011

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted April 06, 2011
I am one of that unfortunate majority that hasn't had a problem since coming out of beta so it's never affected me. Same with Beamdog and to a lesser extent the same with Steam though I know how annoying it can be given my experience with Impulse. It doesn't help when you have people like me who never had a problem saying "Well I've never had an issue so STFU".

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted April 06, 2011
The reason I'm now a bit more conscientious towards people who are having problems I'm not having is that I've been in a similar position myself many times in the past. After all there's a pretty big difference between something working for most people and it working as well as it should.

Game Elemental
Registered: Sep 2008
From Other
Posted April 06, 2011
Personally, I wouldn't put much stock in Beamdog being overly concerned about what happens to your games after their demise, considering that they decided to build their service model around a mandatory black-box client.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted April 06, 2011

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted April 06, 2011

We are committed to thinking of our customers first, so if for some unforseen reason we are forced (yes, I say forced as we'll fight tooth and nail to keep the service going) to shut our service down we will remove all date based expiry in the system.

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted April 06, 2011