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I just saw a commercial on tv (I was watching tv live, normally I DVR everything & skip commercials) that Avatar is being re-released in theaters already because of newly added footage.
Now I never saw the movie the first time, nor do I have a desire to see it. I kinda know what its about (and what some say it represents), but that's neither here nor there. My "true neutral" problem is that it was "the highest-grossing movie ever"...and now they're trying to rope all the Avatar-fanatics into paying to see it in theaters again, just 9 months after its initial release, because of "added bonus footage."
Really? Do they realize what today's US economy is like? (Admittedly, I know little of the rest of the world's economy, but I can't imagine its good.) Do they realize what it costs for a family of, say, four to go to the movies? You've got the tickets, and if you have kids then OF COURSE you have buy them popcorn & soda...all of which is overpriced, and costs a good $50-$75.
Naturally, the simple answer is to say "F.U." to 20th Century Fox & simply not go. Be smart, save your money on a movie you already saw. And if you're really that big of a fanatic for the movie, what for it to come out on DVD/Blu-Ray & spend $15-$30 instead of $50-$ you'll have a hard copy for as long as you live. Or, be even smarter, and just borrow it from your local library, because really, how often are you really gonna watch the thing that you absolutely MUST have it sitting on your shelf "just in case" you get the overwhelming desire to watch it "this very minute."
I suppose I'm most aggravated that 20th Century Fox can't just be content with being #1, and that people can't see beyond their own noses and WILL go out & feed the monster...while the rich get richer & the poor get poorer because the "average joe" can't say no to his kids, or can't control his own "must-see" urges.
Forgive my rant, but take time to truly consider what I've said. We feed the monster, and it feeds us.
This question / problem has been solved by Aliasalphaimage
Why is this a question when the answer to "WTF?" is obviously "greed"?
Do people even buy food from the cinema these days? Any smart person would hide their Red Vines in the backpack so the security won't get suspicious.
I might actually go see it in the cinema mostly because I enjoyed the SFX in 3D... otherwise I wouldn't touch it with a 5ly pole..
If people want to see it on the big screen, what's wrong with them showing it?
It was an enjoyable movie.
OP I applaud your passion, but lament your quest to save the moral fibre of your country. If people want to go and see big blue people again then so be it. I'm sure you have paid full price for a game at some point in your life that turned out to be a completely over-hyped mess. And I'm certainly sure that some Average Joes' reactions to a grown man playing 'video games' would be: WTF?
Courses for horses, as they say.
Avatar was mostly about the experience. I liked it a lot, but I rarely go watch movies more than once, though I can understand moviemakers trying to milk this one out so early. There's very little on their part to do to rake in more cash and that movie is a true theater experience. You can watch the story and the effects on DVD or blu ray but the whole immersive 3D effects with surround sound can only be truly enjoyed on a pretty big ass large screen.
I figure they want this out of the way before the sequel is made. They know they have a rabid fan base who will pay to watch the stuff again and the new footage is the hook that probably adds nothing to the plot but puts butts in the seats. I think it's a financially smart move on their part to do this, but I've no intention to watch it again.
And about the economy thing? What the hell do they care. It's not their problem if a parent can't say no to their kids, in fact, they're counting on it. It's up to pops to put his foot down.
Look, if there's one thing I learned while being beaten by bullies in high school is don't tell people what to do with their money. More specifically, don't tell your so-so friends that buying smokes to be with that group is a bad thing. How stereotypically stupid of me.
ChaunceyK: Now I never saw the movie the first time, nor do I have a desire to see it.

WHAT !?!
Directors cuts are nothing new. Both for home versions of movies and for re-releases in the cinema. So I'm not really sure why you're so surprised over this.
Also, in the case of Avatar, they rushed a DVD, etc., release out for "Earth Day" while the actual release (which is most likely going to be the director's cut) is planned for late this year/early next year.
Besides, no one is forcing anyone to go to the cinema if they don't want to. So if people can't afford it, then they should do the sensible thing; not go. Why should the studios hold back on releasing something simply because some people have no self control?
The reason they're re-releasing it in the theaters is because it got pulled early due to the release of Alice in Wonderland. They've speculated that they actually left ~$500,000,000 on the table by not letting it complete it's full run.
So they're going to throw it back in the theaters, and in order to entice people to see it again they're adding the cut footage.
Then again the cut footage and lack of 3D on the Blu-Ray is also why I didn't buy the movie already. It's enjoyable and pretty to look at, but not something I have to have or that I'm willing to double dip for.
Slight irony posting here about re-releases of old media...
I do get it though. The thing I dislike the most is the hype. I figure it's usually the bigger and more frenzied the hype the less the actual value. And the ONLY thing I ever heard about Avatar the last time around was the words "Go see it". Yeah that never happened.
Besides, I'm waiting for TRON :)
Sielle: The reason they're re-releasing it in the theaters is because it got pulled early due to the release of Alice in Wonderland. They've speculated that they actually left ~$500,000,000 on the table by not letting it complete it's full run.
So they're going to throw it back in the theaters, and in order to entice people to see it again they're adding the cut footage.
Then again the cut footage and lack of 3D on the Blu-Ray is also why I didn't buy the movie already. It's enjoyable and pretty to look at, but not something I have to have or that I'm willing to double dip for.

That's basically it. Straight from the mouth of James Cameron. Avatar is a true theatre event many still want to see again as evidenced by the extremely high barebones home video release sales.
Post edited August 24, 2010 by Kabuto
ChaunceyK: Now I never saw the movie the first time, nor do I have a desire to see it.
I wish they actually did more with avatar, well a better story anyway.
Avatar has lovely visuals, but the story is ripped straight from Ferngully, with cat people replacing fairies and space marines replacing Tim Curry