Posted December 16, 2009

I'm waiting for their squad van to unleash themselves. Though it will more likely be for one of my neighbours, one must be careful.
If you remind yourself on a daily basis that ASIO is everywhere, waiting to pounce. You won't be so surprised when you get whisked away in said van, never to be heard from again.
Refrain from internet lingo such as "oh snap!", they'll think that you're relaying code to the underground UberGeek Front through nerdy telepathy and put five high calibre bullets into your skull.
You know, just to make sure. =P
EDIT: Actually, you know what? As far as the thread title goes.. Why don't we, as a collective nation, just boot these sons of bitches out? Why in the hell should the average Aussie have to contemplate leaving this beautiful country because of law makers and politicians with oedipus complexes.
Oh, yes. I went there.
Post edited December 16, 2009 by Shalgroth