Dazaonline: Hi,
I'm kinda looking for a game that's like the classic board game HeroQuest. Are there any titles on here that are like this classic game? Maybe a good DnD title?
There are plenty of those kinda games but all the ones that come to my mind are a bit old, from around the same time as the board game. To be honest, I actually preferred the board game to any of the similar computer games. I loved setting up the dungeon walls and all those little figurines but unfortunately my friend who owned the (fairly expensive) game had a rather short attention span so we never got very far into it.
-The Final Battle
- Hero Quest, obviously (the original computer game, not the remake)
(just a few out of many)
and of course there's Diablo 1. Hero Quest strikes me as being more similar to Diablo style RPG's as opposed to the D&D variety of games.
edit: sorry if none of the games I mentioned are available on GOG, ah I would make a rather lousy sales rep...