mondo84: Don't turn this into a creepy thread. I'm just genuinely curious if anybody posting on here is female. Based on just the general banter, posting styles, etc. I figure that pretty much everyone is male. I would completely understand if female users didn't want to reveal themselves as such, since they might receive extra attention. Plus, gender isn't supposed to really be a factor on here, so maybe it's best to keep everyone gender neutral.
Yes, more than you think, but way less than 50/50. I'm not surprised that many folks don't indicate their gender one way or another, but it's the internet and gender shouldn't really matter any more than how fresh your breath is while interacting on the forums.
Bloodygoodgames: It must be cool to be a guy. All that ego :)
The ego is mostly for show, it gets certain types of women in the sack more easily. Some guys really do overestimate their own attractiveness/intelligence/etc., but most of it is dickwaving vs. other guys or trying to impress whoever floats your boat.