Starmaker: It is fully compatible with atheism and actually professed by some atheists. Lack of a belief in gods does not preclude other irrational beliefs.
She does not actually believe in duck threat. She expressed two beliefs:
1) that evolution is false, and
2) that the fake duck threat is something she can use to convince atheists (those fools believe in evolution, they can be convinced of anything!) to oppose gay cooties.
Atheism (lack of a belief in gods) does in fact strongly correlate with rational, practical, useful, correct beliefs. But there are also irrational atheists, and some of them believe in duck threat, in yellow threat, in GMO threat. And when you hear that GMO is evil because Man shouldn't mess with God's creation, that's theistic all right - but if anyone goes on about GMO will kill us all because blah blah stardust nature evolution genetics drexler zombies mutants aliens, and when you ask them point blank about religion they say, well, maybe there's something out there... - that's a 6.9 on the Dawkins scale, same as Dawkins himself.
When someone actually believes we should take care to not be out-evolved by ducks, they are much more likely to be an atheist. Because for most modern theists, humans are godlike beings that are in no danger from ducks whatsoever. It's not that atheists are more gullible on average (they aren't), it's that in a selection of gullible people, the atheists are more likely to believe in duck threat and alien visitors, and the theists are more likely to believe that God personally talked me in 1976.
Sorry, but that's just a load of crap. It may make sense to you but there are several logical fallacies in your reasoning. You might as well call it a "female" argument; it's fully compatible with females and actually professed by at least one (14 year old) female. You can also go on saying that females are more likely to feel threatened by ducks because there are fewer female than male duck hunters. It's a load of crap because you're trying to connect things that aren't connected, especially not in the way you present them.
That said, I feel bad for you (personally as well as your fellow russians) having to suffer such stupidity and ignorance. I don't know what kind of "status" such opinions have there in the general population - hopefully they're seen the way Phelps' anti-gay ramblings are seen over in the US. Unfortunately, not everyone is as critical to the opinions of other "like-minded" people as long as they're working towards the same goal, replicating even the most unbelievable and easily refutable shit as if it were gospel (no pun intended).
I guess it varies from country to country, region to region, but where I live the atheists, humanists etc are amongst the most open-minded and including people when it comes to homosexuals (since you brought it up) and other groups that are traditionally not on "the good side" of the church. The ones still fighting gay marriages etc here are mainly religious people, using mostly religious arguments - but of course, some atheists are against it too, using any argument they can conjure up.
In closing, I resent that you try to make homophobia (and general stupidity) stick to atheism by labeling that 14 year old's arguments as "atheistic". It's a logical fallacy to do so, and even empirical knowledge shows differently (at least here). My, or anyone else's, atheism isn't any threat to any belief system you might have of itself. Some atheists may threaten it, true, just like other *theists may, but that's not part of atheism. Very little is, really - we're a quite boring lot.