DaCostaBR: I was really tempted to buy this game today, and still might, but isn't their summer sale in a few weeks? I'm thinking maybe I should control myself and wait for it since it should have a bigger discount by then.
Perhaps you should do the same? Whatever problems it has they should be well detailed, or maybe even fixed, by then.
Ric1987: It might be up to two months from now, sale started sometime in July last year.
Oh, I joined Steam September last year so I didn't see the summer sale, I just remembered someone saying it started late June, must have been mistaken then. Not that it matters though, I ended up buying it yesterday, figured that such a new game should be 25% off at the most and the extra 15% discount were quite negligible for a game that is so cheap as it is. Plus, I find myself with more money than time these days, so it's better to buy it now than wait and not have the time to play it later on.
As for the game itself, it's very good. I'm still just in the beginning but the combat is pretty fun and there is already a glimpse of the exploration to be had. The voice acting I heard in that video posted earlier was pretty cringe inducing but, even though I still skip the dialogue as soon as I finish reading it, I have kinda warmed up to it and it no longer bothers me. There is this thing though that your highest skill can't be more than four points apart from your lowest skill which kinda irked me, I was hoping to make a glass cannon and put all my points into attack and not a single one into HP or defense.
There does seem to be a problem with the processing power however. I have an i7 processor and while Call of Juarez: Gunslinger takes only 5% of the CPU this game takes 50%. Luckily that's not enough to negatively affect anything. Maybe if you have multiple cores it only takes control of some of them.