Thank you everyone.
I'm currently reading the book Wishbone linked to and although it is out of date (I just read the first chapter and a hexapod walking robots is very bulky (like wheeled robots in the early 70's) and there is no mention of bipedal robots. The real non hardware based information conveyed is very current.
I'm keeping this thread favorited for not only for when I'm done with the book, but because I daily watch a couple of hours of youtube videos. I already know I'm going to clean up my electronic bench. I probably need to throw away most of the capacitors I own as the youngest is about 30 years old. (for people who don't know a cathode from a semiconductor, a capacitor is a tiny bit like a rechargeable battery and most of them age just as well, for the "electronicians" out there, please don't crucify me .)
This thread also go nicely with an other thread I started in the past., at least for me these two threads are highly compatible.