Well, way back when I had reliable internet. I did play it.
... However for the last several months my internet has been unreliable, so I haven't even bothered trying to play (it will flake in and out, lag up a lot, boot me a lot.)
What I can say about it is:
It's an atypical MMO. If you're looking for spawn camping, grinding for gear, sitting in one spot killing the same thing over and over again to get your preciously small amount of XP.. Don't look at CoH/V.
If you're looking for heavy character customization, interesting power sets and capabilities in an ever expanding world (that you don't have to buy the new expansions to get access to the next content), you might like it.
CoH starts a little slow, honestly, like all MMOs. And if you're playing solo, it's not that great, still not horrible though. It really shines when you're running with a good team though.
Unlike most MMOs, CoH does not have "required" classes for teaming. It is true that certain archtypes/power sets are more suited for teaming, more useful in teams, or just much better suited for teaming (with inexperienced players), a team that knows what they are doing can make anything work.
This does mean there is a bit of a steep learning curve at times. Like all MMOs, unfortunately CoH has it's share of elitist "veterans", who are more than happy to berate someone for not playing their character right. The lower population servers have less of them. Of the high-pop servers Virtue seems to have a fairly low number of them.
(CoH in general doesn't seem to have that many, but that could be because it's not the uber popular MMO)
If you're looking for PvE, the game is great for it. While some will do it better than others, *ANY* build *CAN* solo PvE. (some you would have to be either very bored, very stubborn or very stupid to try though ;) )
PvP? .. Okay PvP kinda sucks, it's not very well balanced, there doesn't seem to be a very heavy PvP following in CoH/V. There's options (FFA PvP zones, Faction-based PvP zones, Arena matches) unfortunately, like I said, PvP isn't very well balanced. (It's fine for me because I don't do PvP anyways.)