Romulus: I'm here, but I like how Weclock has posed this as a question, so in fact only one of us can be right.
Clearly only one of us is real... but who?
Weclock: I have yet to see a convincing argument on the existence of anyone here.
we are all certain of our ow existence aren't we, whether everyone else exist or not matters not? Or do you doubt that too Wec?
Sometimes I do. I look out of the window and I see trees, parrots, clouds...a reality and yet I wonder whether it is real. Maybe everything is a computer simulation and i am just a npc doing what I was programmed to....
Maybe all of this is an cRPG designed to entertain?
or maybe the truth is even simpler: there is no such thing as reality, everything is just a joke, born from nothingness and it is going to go back there... maybe it already did and we just didn't notice?
Sometimes I am also afraid that my life is not real either. That when i woke up i won't be myself but somebody else? I will have memories of past, yet everyday it will be different past.
Tomorrow I might be an actress in Broadway musical, a week from now a 90 year old tribal shaman.
and I will never know!
that's a scary thought!