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I'm only running about 2 dozen mods on my Morrowind and most of those are part of Morrowind Overhaul anyway. I think that I the native/vanilla game got a lot of things right from the beginning. Other titles started really over simplifying gameplay and required more mods to fix. Even the mods I use to change game mechanics are so minor as to be overlooked when playing. For example I have a mod that increases the rate you regen stamina if you are crouched and not moving, another gives limited nightvision to characters with high sneak skills and one that is really nice for me has very slow health regen. It won't save you in combat but you don't have to waste spells or potions to reregain 5-10 hit points, just walk to the next town and you should be fine. I also got a level overhaul because I felt the x5 system they used was horrible and detracted from the game, but that's just me.
Fenixp: snip
Well, I wasn't aware that there were any dangers when I played. I only bought Morrowind this Summer, but the fact that I don't think I had any crashes while playing through the whole game (and spending most of my time in towns) does seem to indicate stability. Mind you, my computer seems to generally be quite good at avoiding instability somehow, so may not be the most reliable. As a matter of fact it seemed to fix the annoying vanilla problem of NPCs gliding off their assigned positions gradually, presumably as it resets them every 24 hours.
As usual the folks here ROCK!!

I had done searches and found some of the mods mentioned here, but sure enough you guys informed me of several that I hadn't found, and even recommended the one(s) to use for a first time play through. I guess I'm not the only one that wants to experience the game mostly as the developers intended at least the first time through.

What I'm most interested in is 1)Fixing bugs (seems mods sometimes do a more thorough job of this than patches released by the developer) 2) Graphics enhancements (let's face it, Morrowind graphics are GREAT but they are now over 10 years old) 3) Realism additions WITHOUT changing the basic gameplay (here is where some of those mods that make NPC's more realistic is exactly what I'm talking about) and 4)Anything that might help the UI be easier, especially for gamepad users.

I think you folks have actually improved ever single one of them, with the possible exception of the last one, although perhaps that Morrowind Overhaul one also does some UI changes, I dunno.

This forum is probably the best on the toobz. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH.

PS: On an unrelated note, I got me a tablet. And on this table is TWO cameras. I WILL happily post pics of my first self-build PC that so many on this forum helped me through last summer AND pics of my second self build (which was really a REBUILD from a purchased computer whose case and motherboard were destroyed).

It likly won't be today or tomorrow, but I will have them up this week. You guys asked for them at the time, and I'm glad to finally be able to have them. I still believe there is no way I would've suceeded in that first self build without the folks here. No way.
I have finished playing Morrowind a few years ago, and I can say it was one of the best gaming experiences ever. I would recommend you try all of the offical expansions, they add a very nice touch to the game.
OldFatGuy: snip
Oh, one mod I missed and would suggest you install straightaway is this one:


or a similar one, assuming you have the expansions. I don't want to say what it does, as that would spoil the early plot of one of the expansions, but suffice it to say that it has to be installed from the start of a game, and fixes a quite serious overpoweredness of the new content by preventing it from appearing until you're a higher level (and incidentally better equipped to deal with the enemies involved). The way bethesda had it doesn't really make sense from a plot perspective, either. They were imagining players who'd already played through the base game installing the expansion, I think.
That's really clever, definitely recommended.
Just bear in mind that as I only found out about it too late, I haven't actually tried it out myself, so can't vouch for the stability. It's a fairly minor mod, though, so it's unlikely to cause major issues (and if it does, you can probably uninstall it).
Morrowind is my favourite game of all time. I've yet to actually play it with any mods, but I do really want to play with the MSGO mod, that'd be amazing and a perfect excuse to play again.
When I played it on PC, I used
A Good Place to Stay
Balmora University
Better Clothes
Better Bodies
Better Heads
Follow Me! (Companion Mod)
Rin's Beauty Shop
Weapons of Final Fantasy VII

This of course all I can remember, but they are all basically essential (minus the Final Fantasy one, which is just cool).
I'm in a similar position to the OP, I am waiting for the gameplay overhaul to complement the graphical overhaul. anyone kept tabs on it?
MichaelFurlong: I'm in a similar position to the OP, I am waiting for the gameplay overhaul to complement the graphical overhaul. anyone kept tabs on it?
How about this? Since Oblivion is inherently designed for TV screens, it could also be the ultimate solution for the inventory issues, but it doesn't support plugins for Morrowind itself.
Good, a thread about Morrowind mods. Okay, I have a question: Is there a mod that improves movement speed? Because seriously, that is probably the biggest hindrance to my enjoying the game. Also, is there a mod that improves combat?
pi4t: One mod which I personally enjoyed was Living Cities of Vvardenfell. It basically puts the npcs in different places according to the time of day, giving the cities a bit more...well, life. They do teleport to their new locations at specific times of day, which you might consider too much of a a downside.
That was a good mod, but it conflics somewhat with some of the Less Generic NPCs mods, since the latter assumes the NPCs are in fixed places.

Daedalus1138: Good, a thread about Morrowind mods. Okay, I have a question: Is there a mod that improves movement speed? Because seriously, that is probably the biggest hindrance to my enjoying the game. Also, is there a mod that improves combat?
Just get those Boots of Blinding Speed. ;-)
Post edited January 22, 2013 by PetrusOctavianus
Quick link, doesn't seem to have been mentionned yed :
What's so great with Morroxwind is the amount of mods that can be found, and the easy setup of your new game, mod-flavoured in a few clicks.
Post edited January 22, 2013 by Potzato
Daedalus1138: Good, a thread about Morrowind mods. Okay, I have a question: Is there a mod that improves movement speed? Because seriously, that is probably the biggest hindrance to my enjoying the game. Also, is there a mod that improves combat?
Either what I linked right above your post, or for the speed do what I do:
Player->setspeed 100
Player->setathletics 100

If you wish to use a character based on the speed stat, drop the first line and don't put athletics into major or minor skills. Problem solved.