zebber: I love X-com to death, but I've never been able to get into JA. X-com broke up encounters into nice self contained missions, but the more...continuous style of JA makes it seem a little hectic to me.
Have you tried X-com Apocalypse? It's probably the easiest of the 3.
Yeah that was the one I tried. Part of the difficulty was not entirely knowing what I was doing. I might need to check a FAQ.
For those recommending Heroes, how much better are 2 and 3 than 5? I played some of 5 and it was alright but I didn't really get into it.
I am quite good SRPGs that have been mentioned: Front Mission, Fire Emblem etc.
Anyone have comments on the Battle Isle or MAX games on here?
deshadow52: QFT, Rise of Nations kicks ass
Cy-Fox: Double QFT
Not really looking into RTS right now but I will keep that in mind.