sk8ing667: If I may make a suggestion about those AEG's :)
Classic Army is over hyped, they're only really nice AEG's are M15 series. The only really nice SCAR-L right now is made by ARES or VFC, both will run you over 450, the ARES around $800.
Although, you can't go wrong with a TM, airsoft gi has made a very nice line up of affordable m4's that you can find on their website, the G4 series, and yes wishbone, I am one of those bastards.
A TM is all fine and good, but if I'm gonna spend a significant amount of hard-earned money on a gun, I want it to look and feel good. That means metal, which TM doesn't seem too fond of. :)
And since CA is the only manufacturer who makes metal G3s (or G33/G41s etc) that I'm aware of, I'm pretty much stuck with it. :) I was always fond of G3s in games (like Rainbow Six Vegas) and think it's a pretty sexy gun, and I can always upgrade it bit by bit... :) I only consider the SCAR as an option if I was unable to get a decent G3, so I'd rather buy the latter (and I'm stuck with CA in this case).
Either way, thanks for the advice. Didn't know ARES and VFC make decent (by which I understand "reliable") guns.