Posted July 09, 2014
high rated
So Argentina managed to consistently limp it's way to the final. Yay!
To share some happiness I shall giveaway the following:
Neverwinter Nights (GOG) WON BY mrkgnao
Take On Helicopters (Humble-STEAM) WON BY lemming07
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition (Humble-STEAM) WON BY chandoraa
Surgeon Simulator 2013 (Humble-STEAM) WON BY enigmaxg2
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC (STEAM) WON BY kmonster
Antichamber (Humble-STEAM) WON BY cose_vecchie
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine (Humble-STEAM) WON BY GreenDigitalWolf
FEZ (Humble-STEAM) WON BY cose_vecchie
To enter you need to predict the EXACT results for the Argentina-Germany and Netherlands-Brazil matches. So if you think Netherlands-Brazil tie 1-1 and then Brazil wins in penalties, you need to specify just that the match ends 1-1 (the number of goals during penalties or who wins after penalties don't matter).
** Correctly predicting the exact score of a match gets you 10 points. So the max points you can get is 20, 10 for each match.
** If you only predict correctly the winner/loser/tie you get 5 points.
** You get negative points the further away your prediction is from the real results. So if you predict Netherlands-Brazil ends up 2-1 and then it ends 3-1 you get 5 points for correctly predicting the winner minus 1 point because 3 is one goal removed from 2. If you predict Arg-Ger tie 2-2 and then Argentina wins 1-0, you get minus 3 points.
Whoever scores the most points gets to choose two games from the list. The next 6 people in order of points earned will choose one game each.
If you are not sure what the hell I'm trying to explain, you just need to predict the exact results for both matches and I'll do the rest.
Entries are accepted until Brazil-Netherlands begins. NO MORE ENTRIES ALLOWED. See you after Arg-Ger!
OK, Final, final results (ties were broken with
1) cose_vecchie: 5 - 2 + 10 = 13
2) enigmaxg2: 10 + 5 - 3 = 12
3) mrkgnao: 5 - 1 + 5 - 1= 8
4) Chandoraa: 5 - 1 + 5 - 1 = 8
5) Aveweto: 10 - 2 = 8 (doesn't take any prize)
6) GreenDigitalWolf: 5 - 1 + 5 - 2 = 7
7) lemming07: 5 - 2 + 5 - 1 = 7
8) kmonster: -4 + 10 = 6
To share some happiness I shall giveaway the following:
Neverwinter Nights (GOG) WON BY mrkgnao
Take On Helicopters (Humble-STEAM) WON BY lemming07
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition (Humble-STEAM) WON BY chandoraa
Surgeon Simulator 2013 (Humble-STEAM) WON BY enigmaxg2
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC (STEAM) WON BY kmonster
Antichamber (Humble-STEAM) WON BY cose_vecchie
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine (Humble-STEAM) WON BY GreenDigitalWolf
FEZ (Humble-STEAM) WON BY cose_vecchie
To enter you need to predict the EXACT results for the Argentina-Germany and Netherlands-Brazil matches. So if you think Netherlands-Brazil tie 1-1 and then Brazil wins in penalties, you need to specify just that the match ends 1-1 (the number of goals during penalties or who wins after penalties don't matter).
** Correctly predicting the exact score of a match gets you 10 points. So the max points you can get is 20, 10 for each match.
** If you only predict correctly the winner/loser/tie you get 5 points.
** You get negative points the further away your prediction is from the real results. So if you predict Netherlands-Brazil ends up 2-1 and then it ends 3-1 you get 5 points for correctly predicting the winner minus 1 point because 3 is one goal removed from 2. If you predict Arg-Ger tie 2-2 and then Argentina wins 1-0, you get minus 3 points.
Whoever scores the most points gets to choose two games from the list. The next 6 people in order of points earned will choose one game each.
If you are not sure what the hell I'm trying to explain, you just need to predict the exact results for both matches and I'll do the rest.
Entries are accepted until Brazil-Netherlands begins. NO MORE ENTRIES ALLOWED. See you after Arg-Ger!
OK, Final, final results (ties were broken with
1) cose_vecchie: 5 - 2 + 10 = 13
2) enigmaxg2: 10 + 5 - 3 = 12
3) mrkgnao: 5 - 1 + 5 - 1= 8
4) Chandoraa: 5 - 1 + 5 - 1 = 8
5) Aveweto: 10 - 2 = 8 (doesn't take any prize)
6) GreenDigitalWolf: 5 - 1 + 5 - 2 = 7
7) lemming07: 5 - 2 + 5 - 1 = 7
8) kmonster: -4 + 10 = 6
Post edited July 16, 2014 by Tychoxi