I actually like gear breakage, as it adds more challenge. In Might and Magic 6 for example, some monsters have the ability to break your weapon and/or armor when they hit you. Suddenly, your front liners are soft and squishy, and you need backup items/ options/ escape routes. It adds a tactical element to combat which can make it more exciting.
In Baldur's Gate, breakage was part of the story. I didn't like how little items broke, so I added a mod to make more break. For me it depends on the game whether I like inventory management/ encumbrance/ breakage/ eating/ sleeping/ etc. As Taran said, it would be nice if games let gamers decide for themselves how realistic vs hack n slash they want. I had some fun times in Morrowind casting erosion spells on enemies, and watching their armor and weapons disappear piece by piece until that armored knight was now naked and attacking with his fists (plus I like seeing what's under the hood).
Braussie: One of my pet peeves thends to be with old RPG games where you don't see the enemies, and have the "random" encounters.
I hate it when it seems that every step you fight enemies, or when a game becomes an experience point grind to the point of taking away your enjoyment of the story.
I know there are games out there that people love that aspect in them, but I'm a story driven guy. I'd rather have a fairly easy game with a great story rather than an overly challenging game where I don't care what happens to anyone.
Quite agree.
Some of the real problems for me in games are:
* You get a random encounter in the wilderness, and when the map loads, the monsters are all right next to you, inches from your face, even
inside your party. This ROYALLY pisses me off, and this happens all the time in Baldur's Gate 2 and ToEE.
* Situations where the game forces/ expects you to walk up to a miniboss before initiating conversation that you know will end in combat. In one game, I don't remember which, my party entered a large cave. The game paralyzed my entire party while forcing the PC, a mage, to walk ALONE across the entire chamber to stand next to the evil chieftain with all his guards, stand there while he makes his speech, and then combat starts, with everybody locking on to me and getting initiative. There's
no fucking reason why my character would ever do that and I screamed at the monitor as my mage died over and over and over and over and over and over. I think I quit that game for half a year at that point before finally going back and figuring out how to get past that bullshit dev scripting.
* Choices that aren't choices. "NPC has offered you a pie. You respond:
Yes, I will eat the pie.
I am hungry so I will eat the pie.
That smells delicious! (eats pie)"
* For a genre that's supposed to be about choices and letting you develop your PC as you wish, forcing PC to be a young hetero white male. Why can't I even create a PC in the image I want? Why am I limited to what the devs want?