cpugeek13: On a different note, is anyone excited for the new one? It seems like every preview I read always has something negative to say about it. I want to be excited so badly, but i'm really worried. :-(
I've always thought it looked nice, except the stupid looking consolized predator jumping. But I just saw a newer trailer that actually showed some gameplay and it seemed to work much better than I expected. Not as fluid or smooth as manually jumping, but made the predator play more stealthy, and deliberate.
That was the only thing I was worried about.
michaelleung: Well Rebellion hasn't exactly gotten a reputation for making quality entertainment titles these days (see: Rogue Warrior, Rogue Trooper, and those crappy PSP/PS2 ports).
Take back what you said about Rogue Trooper!!!! Or I'm making pasta for dinner!