Posted December 15, 2011

People were upset because they ignored the public that made them big, the PC crowd with Max Payne 1&2.
As you said with Epic, almost the same thing.
Most of all it would not surprise me if the game failed now. So much time has passed that people forgot about it and there is still a risk of getting a half-assed port.
Now I don't know exactly what happened with Alan Wake so I'm not saying the devs weren't being jerks here, I'm just not aware of it if they were.
As far as consoles go, yeah, it's a bad investment for one game, but there's quite a library of exclusives that aren't so bad on consoles and suddenly get rentals and swapping with friends back as opposed to PC gaming, so there could be more benefit to some for having one at the end of life price point than just being able to play one exclusive game.