Licurg: Give Knights of Xenthar a shot. It's more of a parody than a "serious" game, but it'll do the job. And you get to save Snow-White from the 7 dwarfs that are gang-raping her !
Cobra Mission, by the same folks, is even better gameplay wise (in my opinion). But Knights Of Xentar is a fun romp too. Don't take either too seriously, of course.
I know what you are talking about, Layarion. I too would like to see more games that deal with adult themes (passion, trauma, bliss, tragedy, romance, negotiation) in terms of treating the player like a fully-formed human instead of as an endocrine system with weapons. Unfortunately most AAA game titles are like most AAA movies, in that they have the same prize demographic - teenage boys. Not to be hating on them, but there are certain motifs that get them (as a group) to part with their money, so that's what you get in the blockbusters.
I thought the relationship dynamics in Dragon Age: Origins (and to a lesser extent Mass Effect) were handled pretty well for AAA titles. But they are the exceptional cases that prove the rule at the moment.